I’m returning to this post with an update. I’m not finished with the whole project yet but I finished the dc to dc charger and battery wiring today. I labeled some of this because the wires are close to one another.

I added the Victron 712 smart monitor because why not spend more on this project.
So over the top of the two 105 ah Lion Safari batteries is the wiring for the dc to dc converter and the Progressive Dynamics 9100. Just one red positive from that to the positive bus bar.
The batteries are also wired to the buss bar and the Victron battery reader is on the far side. Oh I took this before I had that wire connected.
I also wired a Progressive Industries EMS-LCHW30 it’s the smart version so I buried it in the converter box where the old WFCO was located. I moved the incoming wire from the top of the compartment to the bottom using the same hardware and used 12 awg romex to wire to the incoming breaker and to extend the incoming power wire.
I didn’t get any pictures because it was kind of a frustrating job and I didn’t have my phone with me.
I just kept buying stuff and made this a much more expensive project than I expected. And I had most of the #2 wire. I had all red so in two places I used red for the ground but marked it with black tape. I ordered a couple of shorter more flexible #2 wire too.
This has been an expensive project. I invested because I hope to keep this newer RV another 10 years. The batteries were from Costco for about $1725 with tax and then another $912 in added equipment with 8% tax. That’s a crazy $2650 or so for new batteries. Yikes. Plus several days of installation. If I hadn’t seen that sale ad from Costco...
Item Cost
PD 9100 $189.79
Renogy DC $139
PI surge suppressor $180.61
Victron BMW 712 $206.55
Buss bars $14.97
Lugs 3/8” $13.98
Lugs 1/4” $14.07
3 ft blk/red #2 awg wire flexible $20.99
Shrink wrap $7.59
#2 to #4 wire adapters $9.99
ANL 60 amp fuse and extra fuses $21.12
1ft 12 ga cord too short $11.97
2 ft 12 ga extension cord $13.97