jfkmk wrote:
JBarca wrote:
BillyW wrote:
JBarca wrote:
jfkmk wrote:
I received the original manufacturers manual with my trailer, and they specifically state no maintenance is required except for occasional cleaning.
Just curious, what brand/model camper do you have and what material is the roof made of?
I have never seen a camper roof that has, a no maintenance requirement. Might learn something new here and hope to.
Did they actually state what the roof warranty is?
Mine was the same as jfkmk. Yes, you have to maintain the edges with sealants like Dicor, or Eternabond, but you don't have to treat the rubber roof itself. Just an occasional cleaning. It had a 10 year warranty for the roofing material itself. I'll look for the specific paperwork if you're really curious.
Thank you for the clarification. The statement was read as no maintenance was needed for the roof which is what I needed the clarification on. The roof meaning the whole roof, not just one part of it being the rubber. Which is not the case if you are doing the standard sealant checks which is where the leaks most times start at. Sealant checks and reapplying as needed, is the major part of roof maintenance.
Thank you for your thoughts, I agree the Dicro EPDM rubber itself does not need any maintenance other then cleaning however using the UV treatments do help prolong it. With this clarified, no need to find the rubber warranty.
I'm sorry, I didn't see the request until yesterday and wanted to double check the paperwork. It says no maintenance beyond gentle cleaning for the roofing material itself. If fact, it specifically states to avoid using uv protectant or coatings. Yes, you have to check calking and any place there's been a penetration. But that's not really the roofing material, that's the calk that's being checked. Again, sorry for the delayed response!
Thanks for getting back to us.
I think we need to ask and declare what exact brand and type of roofing material each of us are talking about. In my case, Dicro EPDM rubber roofing material which does not require UV protectant but does state it can enhance the protection and Dicor even sells a UV protectant. This is thier instructions
Dicor EPDM maintenance Your brand may be different and recommend something different.
The original poster never stated what his roof was made of or the brand. Just his dealer wanted to sell his a roof service.
While the group of us re talking about the actual rubber in this case, to the normal RV'er the whole roof is one area. We do not want to have them think that there is no roof maintenance needed. That is not the case. As many of us know, if the caulking/sealants are not checked and touched up often, which is part of annual roof maintenance, their camper will leak in time.
Good discussion, there are too many folks who do not know they need to care for their RV roof or it will leak.