Dec-21-2013 06:55 AM
Dec-21-2013 11:13 AM
transamz9 wrote:Gdetrailer wrote:
Nothing short of replacing the one ton truck for a 1/2 ton truck is going to "fix" a stiff ride..
You have had this same vehicle for 80K + miles, should have noticed this from day #1 of ownership...
I would suggest if you are running full sidewall pressure while unloaded then lowering the pressure SOME WHILE EMPTY ONLY will go a long way in making a firm ride a bit softer, BUT it still has 1ton SPRINGS and they are stiff.
While it may be possible to slip softer springs on the vehicle then you are going to risk overloading those springs when loaded.. A catch 22.. You can't have both worlds (Caddy ride when empty AND 1 ton hauling)...
It IS a truck and heavy haulers DO ride harsh especially when unloaded.
I have to disagree a little. My truck may not ride like a Caddy but it does ride as well as a 2WD half ton after my suspension upgrades. My suspension will also handle as much as any factory 350/3500 (10,000# capacity). I can also level my fifth wheel front to rear, air up tires and such, run an impact to remove wheels and lower the tailgate to below my waste on my 4X4 Ram to load stuff in the bed and I am short.
Dec-21-2013 10:46 AM
Gdetrailer wrote:
Nothing short of replacing the one ton truck for a 1/2 ton truck is going to "fix" a stiff ride..
You have had this same vehicle for 80K + miles, should have noticed this from day #1 of ownership...
I would suggest if you are running full sidewall pressure while unloaded then lowering the pressure SOME WHILE EMPTY ONLY will go a long way in making a firm ride a bit softer, BUT it still has 1ton SPRINGS and they are stiff.
While it may be possible to slip softer springs on the vehicle then you are going to risk overloading those springs when loaded.. A catch 22.. You can't have both worlds (Caddy ride when empty AND 1 ton hauling)...
It IS a truck and heavy haulers DO ride harsh especially when unloaded.
Dec-21-2013 10:19 AM
Dec-21-2013 10:01 AM
Dec-21-2013 08:27 AM
Dec-21-2013 07:21 AM
Dec-21-2013 07:20 AM
Dec-21-2013 07:18 AM
Dec-21-2013 07:11 AM
Dec-21-2013 06:59 AM