None of the camper places around us had the bolt in stock but I found a trailer place (Taylor for any MI people) that had them. I'm not sure of the grade and I was too excited that they had one in stock to remember to ask.
I followed the advice of jacking the trailer up just enough without taking the tires off the ground. My brother inlaw had a driver drill (?) and the bolt came out fairly easy. The threaded end was the part that broke off.. only a couple were left. Things were bent up a bit but I was able to use a c-clamp to pinch it all back together to get the new bolt straight through.
I also followed the advice of tightening the nut and letting it pull the bolt in. The provided nut was indented (? see image) and seemed to be a locking type so I used it instead of a lock nut with the plastic insides (?).
Things look good so hopefully they are and this doesn't happen again. Thanks for everyone's help/advice!
google image