All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: How to paint an RV ceiling?I didn't really consider the flexibility of the rig while in motion. I don't drive it much, it sits stationary for 3-6 months at a time pretty much, in between locations. You really think the ceiling would twist and bend enough to break mud/texture/paint loose in that little bit of driving? I'll have to give that some consideration. Thanks for the input! Any other thoughts or opinions are welcome.How to paint an RV ceiling?Hey all, I need some advice on a painting project before I commit myself and screw something up lol. I have a 1987 Fleetwood Bounder in great condition, but I would like to make some upgrades so it looks a little more modern and "homey", since I am a full-time RVer. The ceiling is a major eyesore for me. Nothing wrong with it and it's clean, but it looks very ugly. I want to texture (drop down) and paint the entire ceiling with some indoor latex, moisture-resistant house paint. I do a lot of painting projects for a living, just not on this kind of a surface. I will be hanging plastic from all edges of ceiling to the floors that will be covered with drop cloths, removing light fixtures/AC covers, etc. The questions I have pertain to painting the surface itself. I can't tell if it's a vinyl material or just wallpaper and if I need to peel it all off or if I can just texture/paint right over it without the paint peeling off. I would also like your thoughts on removing those ugly seam strips and applying mud and tape instead, before I paint it. I'm picturing something that looks very clean and modern, but I want to do it right. Thanks!Re: Best ways to fill non-removable LP tank?The $100 extend-a-stay I was referring to was from Marshall Gas Controls on Amazon. I haven't looked around much, just saw this Amazon listing and assumed it was the going rate for these. Is the one in this link different than the type I need? Best ways to fill non-removable LP tank?I primarily use my 23,000 btu kerosene heater to heat the rig up and only use the propane furnace at night and I only set the stat to about 55 degrees. I haven't used the propane for anything else so far (except the small canisters for cook stove). Point being that I don't go through much propane.Re: Best ways to fill non-removable LP tank?I think renting a big tank and having a propane company fill me up would be easiest, but I have a couple questions. Do they make you sign any contracts for specific time frames, (one or two years for example)or is it usually month to month (what I would prefer)? Also, don't propane companies pretty much double the going rates of propane, per gallon? My mom rents a tank from AmeriGas and they charge her over $4.00 per gallon when I've seen stores and service stations advertising as low as $2.10 per gallon. Are the big companies always that much more expensive?Re: Best ways to fill non-removable LP tank?If I'm on a tight budget and relying on workamping to make ends meet, what would be the best rout: buy two 20-lb tanks and rotate them, having each filled as I go...or to use one of the exchange programs I out there (Amerigas, Blue Rhino, etc.)? Or does it make a difference?Re: Best ways to fill non-removable LP tank?I would like to by a large tank to keep beside my rig and have a company come fill it, but I feel that would only work if I'm parked permanently. There's no way I could find room to haul a large tank if I relocate 1-2 times a year or more. I guess I will buy an extend-a-stay kit, since that will come in handy for gas grills and such when the weather warms up. Please give me any other ideas or tips any of you might have, they are all very appreciated! MikeRe: Best ways to fill non-removable LP tank?Sorry, I meant to say in the first line that it is NOT removable.Best ways to fill non-removable LP tank?Hey everyone, I am a new full-time RVer and I just now went through my first LP tank on my furnace. It looks to be about a 35-40 lb. (7-8 gallon) tank and is removable. I have my rig parked for the winter, skirted and on boards and was wondering what the best approach is to filling my tank WITHOUT undoing everything and driving it to the service station. An old-timer I know said there are attachments that would allow me to transfer propane from one tank to another, but after researching that, it seems that method is considered dangerous and possibly even illegal? The only solution I could find is to fork out $100 for an "extend-a-stay" kit and attach a second tank to run off of and completely bypass the permanently attached stock tank. Is that all I can do without actually driving the rig somewhere to be filled? Thanks! MikeGood Sam Club or AAA?I am a new RVer and I've had AAA coverage for years. I pay $158.00 a year and get all the peace of mind services like 200 miles of towing, emergency gas, locked keys in car, flat tire, numerous discounts, etc. How does Good Sam Club compare with AAA? Does my AAA service cover my RV, along with all other standard vehicles? Is Good Sam Club cheaper? Does it offer all the same peace of mind services as AAA? Should I have both or choose one over the other? If I should choose one coverage then what makes Good Sam Club better than AAA? Like I said, I'm new to the RV world. I want the best service, the best value and don't want to pay for anything that I don't really need. Thanks! Mike