Forum Discussion

briansue's avatar
Sep 21, 2017


Over the past week or so I have had quite a few emails back and forth with people who appear to be the authorities in Mexico on the subject of how much a vehicle can legally weigh when entering Mexico.

It would appear that at least some of the problem with the people at the border who are in charge is that they do not quite know what to do about a pickup truck with a camper on the back – or in some cases a 5th wheel or trailer.

The law limiting the amount of weight uses the term “Capacidad de carga” which some of the border people are translating or defining or interpreting to mean Gross Vehicle Weight (GVWR) which is usually the weight rating number on the door frame of pickup trucks.

The emails below and the actual law they referred me to should clarify the meaning of the various terms they use. It seems their term for GVWR is “Peso Bruto Vehicular” and not “Capacidad de carga” . “Capacidad de carga” does not mean GVWR and they should not be reading the tag on a pickup door frame and using that for the “Capacidad de carga” legal weight of 7,716 lbs.

I will paste copies of emails and the regulations where weight terms are defined by Mexico. I would suggest that any pickup truck owners wanting to visit Mexico make copies of all of this to keep handy to show the border people if they tell you you are not allowed to enter Mexico with a pickup truck because the GVWR number on the door frame is higher than 7,716 lbs. That is not what the law says.

I will put some XXXs beside the wording in the legal regulation below to help to find it should you need it in the future.

Mr. Brian,

No hay problema, pero el propósito de nuestra respuesta es que se aclare perfectamente bien lo que significa “capacidad máxima de tres y media toneladas de peso”

No problem, but the purpose of our answer is to clarify perfectly what it means "maximum capacity of three and a half tons of weight"

- Capacidad máxima de tres y media toneladas de peso, se refiere a la carga vehicular, esto es, número máximo de personas, más peso del equipaje y paquetería.

- Maximum capacity of three and a half tons of weight, refers to the vehicle load, that is, maximum number of people, plus weight of luggage and parcel.

- Peso Bruto Vehicular, se refiere a la suma del peso vehicular y el peso de la carga.

- Vehicle Gross Weight, refers to the sum of the vehicle weight and the weight of the load.


El peso bruto se obtiene sumando el peso neto y la carga máxima permisible de la siguiente manera:

Peso bruto vehicular = Peso neto vehicular + capacidad máxima de carga.


The gross weight is obtained by adding the net weight and the maximum permissible load as follows:

Gross vehicle weight = Net vehicle weight + maximum load capacity.

El termino capacidad máxima de tres y media toneladas de peso hace referencia a la capacidad de peso de carga, esto es, a la capacidad de peso de los pasajeros, equipaje y paquetería, sin contemplar el peso del vehículo, el cual únicamente se toma en cuenta cuando se habla de peso vehicular o de peso bruto vehicular

The maximum capacity of three and a half tons of weight refers to the weight capacity of cargo, that is, the weight capacity of passengers, luggage and parcels, without considering the weight of the vehicle, which is only taken in account when talking about vehicle weight or gross vehicle weight.


Hi, Mr. Brian

En caso de que no pueda realizar el trámite del permiso de importación temporal de vehículos (PITV), en el Módulo CIITEV ubicado en las Aduanas de entrada del País o vía internet por el peso, puede realizar el trámite en la Aduana con la solicitud de “Autorización de Importación Temporal”, del Anexo 1 de las Reglas Generales de Comercio Exterior.

In case you cann´t carry out the procedure for the temporary vehicle import permit (PITV), in the CIITEV Module located at the Customs of entry of the country or via the internet for the weight, you can carry out the procedure in the Customs with the request of "Temporary Import Authorization", of Annex 1 of the General Rules of Foreign Trade.

Es importante señalar que el peso que señala el artículo 158 del Reglamento de la Ley Aduanera: (PITV)
It is important to note that the weight indicated in article 158 of the Regulations of the Customs Law: (TVIP)

“Sólo se podrá efectuar la importación temporal de vehículos que tengan una capacidad máxima de tres y media toneladas de peso.”

"Temporary importation of vehicles with a maximum capacity of three and a half tonnes of weight”

Refiere a la Capacidad de Carga, esto es, al Número máximo de personas, más peso del equipaje y paquetería, que un vehículo destinado al servicio de pasajeros puede transportar y para el cual fue diseñado por el fabricante o reconstructor.

It refers to the Cargo Capacity, that is, the maximum number of people, plus weight of the luggage and parcel, that a vehicle destined to the service of passengers can transport and for which it was designed by the manufacturer or reconstructor.

Capacidad de carga: Rear GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) se evidencia en la placa de la puerta lateral del vehículo.

Load Capacity: Rear GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) is evident on the side door plate of the vehicle.

Y el PESO BRUTO VEHICULAR.- Suma del peso vehicular y el peso de la carga, en el caso de vehículos de carga; o suma del peso vehicular y el peso de los pasajeros, equipaje y paquetería en el caso de vehículos destinados al servicio de pasajeros.

And the VEHICULAR GROSS WEIGHT.- Sum of the vehicle weight and the weight of the load, in the case of vehicles of load; or sum of vehicle weight and weight of passengers, luggage and parcels in the case of vehicles intended for passenger service




Publicado en el DOF el 26 de enero de 1994
Fe de erratas DOF 25 de marzo de 1994
Última reforma publicada DOF 15 de noviembre de 2006


ARTÍCULO 1o.- El presente Reglamento tiene por objeto regular el peso, dimensiones y capacidad a que se deben sujetar los vehículos de autotransporte de pasajeros, de turismo y de carga que transiten en los caminos de jurisdicción federal.

ARTICLE 1 - The purpose of these Regulations is to regulate the weight, dimensions and capacity to be attached to passenger, tourist and cargo vehicles transiting on the roads of federal jurisdiction.

ARTÍCULO 2o.- Para efectos del presente Reglamento se entenderá por:

ARTICLE 2. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:

AUTOTANQUE Vehículo cerrado, automotor, semirremolque o remolque, dedicado al transporte de líquidos, gases licuados o sólidos en suspensión.

AUTOTANQUE Closed vehicle, automotive, semi-trailer or trailer, dedicated to the transport of liquids, liquefied gases or suspended solids.

CAMINOS Y PUENTES DE JURISDICCION FEDERAL Vías generales de comunicación a que se refiere el artículo 2o. fracciones I y V de la Ley de Caminos, Puentes y Autotransporte Federal.

WAYS AND BRIDGES OF FEDERAL JURISDICTION General means of communication referred to in Article 2. fractions I and V of the Law of Roads, Bridges and Federal Highway.

XXX CAPACIDAD Número máximo de personas, más peso del equipaje y paquetería, que un vehículo destinado al servicio de pasajeros puede transportar y para el cual fue diseñado por el fabricante o reconstructor.

CAPACITY Maximum number of persons, plus luggage weight and parcels, which a vehicle intended for passenger service can be transported and for which it was designed by the manufacturer or rebuilder.

CARGA DE GRAN PESO O VOLUMEN Carga cuyo peso adicionado al peso vehicular rebasa los límites establecidos para el peso bruto vehicular en este Reglamento o carga cuyas dimensiones rebasan las máximas autorizadas, por lo que para su transportación requiere de vehículos y disposiciones especiales.

LOADING OF GREAT WEIGHT OR VOLUME Load whose weight added to the vehicle weight exceeds the limits established for the gross vehicle weight in this Regulation or load whose dimensions exceed the maximum authorized, so that for transportation requires vehicles and special provisions.

XXX CARGA UTIL Y PESO UTIL Peso máximo de la carga que un vehículo puede transportar en condiciones de seguridad y para el cual fue diseñado por el fabricante o reconstructor.

USEFUL LOAD AND UTILITY WEIGHT The maximum weight of the load that a vehicle can transport in safety conditions and for which it was designed by the manufacturer or rebuilder.

CARRO POR ENTERO Cuando la totalidad de la carga que se transporta en un vehículo es propiedad de un solo usuario.

WHOLE WHEEL When the entire cargo that is transported in a vehicle is owned by a single user.

CONSTANCIA DE CAPACIDAD Y DIMENSIONES O DE PESO Y DIMENSIONES Documento suscrito por el fabricante o reconstructor en el que se hace constar el peso vehicular y carga útil o peso vehicular y la capacidad, así como las dimensiones del vehículo y tipo de llantas destinado al transporte de carga o de pasajeros.

CONSTANCE OF CAPACITY AND DIMENSIONS OR OF WEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS Document signed by the manufacturer or rebuilder in which it is recorded the vehicle weight and payload or vehicle weight and capacity, as well as the dimensions of the vehicle and type of tires intended for the transport of cargo or passengers.

CONFIGURACIÓN O COMBINACIÓN VEHICULAR.- Vehículo constituido por tractocamión y uno o dos semirremolques o remolques, o por camión y un remolque, acoplados por mecanismos de articu

VEHICULAR CONFIGURATION OR COMBINATION.- Vehicle consisting of tractor and one or two semitrailers or trailers, or by truck and a trailer, coupled by articulation mechanisms.

DIMENSIONES Alto, ancho y largo expresados en metros, de un vehículo en condiciones de operación incluyendo la carga.

DIMENSIONS Height, width and length expressed in meters, of a vehicle in operating conditions including the load.

FABRICANTE O RECONSTRUCTOR Persona física o moral que diseña, fabrica, reconstruye o modifica vehículos de autotransporte de pasajeros, de turismo o carga.

MANUFACTURER OR RECONSTRUCTOR A physical or moral person who designs, manufactures, rebuilds, or modifies passenger, touring, or cargo motor vehicles.

LEY Ley de Caminos, Puentes y Autotransporte Federal.lación.

LAW Law of Roads, Bridges and Federal Highway.

NORMA Norma oficial mexicana.

NORMA Official Mexican standard.

ORGANISMO DE CERTIFICACION Las personas morales que tengan por objeto realizar funciones de certificación, mediante un procedimiento que asegure que un producto, proceso, sistema o servicio se ajuste a las normas, lineamientos o recomendaciones de organismos dedicados a la normalización nacional o internacional.

CERTIFICATION ORGANIZATION The moral people whose purpose is to perform certification functions, through a procedure that ensures that a product, process, system or service conforms to the standards, guidelines or recommendations of bodies dedicated to national or international standardization.

PESO Fuerza que ejerce sobre la superficie terrestre un vehículo, expresado en kilogramos.

WEIGHT A force exerted on the surface of the earth by a vehicle, expressed in kilograms.

XXX PESO BRUTO VEHICULAR Suma del peso vehícular y el peso de la carga, en el caso de vehículos de carga; o suma del peso vehícular y el peso de los pasajeros, equipaje y paquetería en el caso de vehículos destinados al servicio de pasajeros.

GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT Sum of the vehicle weight and weight of the load, in the case of load vehicles; or sum of vehicle weight and weight of passengers, luggage and parcels in the case of vehicles intended for passenger service.

XXX PESO VEHICULAR Peso de un vehículo o combinación vehícular con accesorios, en condiciones de operación, sin carga.

VEHICULAR WEIGHT Weight of a vehicle or combination vehicle with accessories, under operating conditions, without load.
  • Hi Brian,

    I haven't been following any of these threads closely any of the threads regarding pickups and the truck camper issue.

    In your detailed correspondence have you just come out and told them what the issue and what has been happening to truck camper rvers from Canada and the U.S. regarding the 3500 level or higher pickups and told them that people are being denied permits on an irregular basis and that in the past this wasn't an issue?

    I guess my curious side wants to know the "why" as to the change in recent years.

    Keep up the good work.
  • I keep sending emails to SAT, CIITEV Aduana, Mexican Consulate (Phoenix), SECTUR - asking all of them what the law is and why some crossings are applying different laws than others.

    The wording of various laws differ as to whether the vehicles are permitted a "carga" weight or a GVWR. Several of the laws say things such as "capacidad de carga" with no other terms about what type of vehicle. Other wording says "capacidad" and seems to mean GVWR by that.

    I keep asking them what laws are being applied and why. I ask how the define a "truck camper" and though some of the law wording implies a truck camper should be OK there are crossings that reject them due to GVWR. ("reject" is my word - I don't know what else to use)

    When they reply the quote the wording of the laws but I cannot get them to tell me what laws are being used at the border.

    I have also asked if there are permits or fees or taxes that apply to "campers" and I cannot get an answer.

    I am probably dealing with bureaucrats who are not going to stick their necks out by defining conflicting wording. I am hoping they will find a way to discuss what is going on and to clear it all up so all crossings follow the same rules.

    One law I have quoted and have asked them about says there is supposed to be a tag on the door frame with the VIN as well as GVWR - but it also indicates the tag should say how much the vehicle is permitted to carry - the manufacturers certified load capacity. But it does seem many vehicles do no show this info so it could be they are being rejected because they do not provide the info the inspectors are looking for.

    I just keep asking them question and hoping they will either provide a definitive answer or at least that my questions will cause them to do something internally to work on clearing this up and getting all their people on the same page and applying the correct law.

    The law has to do with weight as far as I can tell and how they apply weight to various vehicles. The law does not specify any particular type of vehicle I can find.

    They use the term "casa rodante" which technically translates to rolling home and not the more common house on wheels or motor home. So how do they define casa rodante is a question.

    They sometimes define recreational vehicle as having a place for living and sleeping - does this apply to a truck camper? Another question I keep asking.

    Pick up truck can be translated to "camioneta" which is included as allowed when talking about weight capacity. More questions they do not answer.

    There are many laws that may apply and many questions about the laws that have not yet become clear. I just keep asking questions.

    I need answers from the government authorities and not opinions.
  • I am still emailing back and forth with whoever it is that is responding to my emails at SAT asking for a clear and concise answer to the problem. I keep asking questions but the replies I get have conflicting answers depending on which of their laws are being a applied.

    In one case the law clearly states the 3.5 ton weight applies to cargo.

    In another cast the law states the maximum weight is 3.5 tons - but it just says maximum weight in a way that can be interpreted as being the total weight of the entire vehicle.

    They are using the GVWR to assume the weight of the vehicle but to me that is not what the law says. In order for them to know the actual weight of the vehicle they would have to weigh it on a scale.

    They have no way of knowing what the vehicle weighs.

    I keep going back and forth with them trying to explain that border personnel are interpreting the laws in different ways at different crossings. Or they are reading the wording of one law one place and another law another place. The words do seem to be on conflict.

    I sent them manufacturers specifications which I also posted in the other thread where I can find no pickup truck in the classifications they are rejecting that has a load carrying weight of over 3.5 tons or 7,716 lbs.

    Here are a couple laws..........

    This is where this manual can be found.

    Restricciones de los vehiculos que pueden importarse temporalmente

    PAGE 22……….

    Restrictions on vehicles that may be temporarily imported:

    Vehiculos que tengan una capacidad de carga maxima de hasta tres y media toneladas de peso (3 y ½ toneladas que equivalen a 7716.17 libras)

    Vehicles having a maximum load capacity of up to three and a half tonnes of weight (3 and 1/2 tonnes equivalent to 7716.17 pounds).

    Under REGULATIONS scrolling down to 578 gets to this – which may or may not mean anything……….. seems they use the word “carga” to means “Load whose weight added to the vehicle weight” but I have no idea. Far too many laws. I have no idea what it might mean. To me “carga” is the weight loaded into the bed of the pickup.

    Also this – “The maximum weight of the load that a vehicle can transport in safety conditions and for which it was designed by the manufacturer or rebuilder.” Here they say this is what the manufacturer says the vehicle is capable of – “capacity”).



    Publicado en el DOF el 26 de enero de 1994
    Fe de erratas DOF 25 de marzo de 1994
    Última reforma publicada DOF 15 de noviembre de 2006

    CARGA DE GRAN PESO O VOLUMEN Carga cuyo peso adicionado al peso vehicular rebasa los límites establecidos para el peso bruto vehicular en este Reglamento o carga cuyas dimensiones rebasan las máximas autorizadas, por lo que para su transportación requiere de vehículos y disposiciones especiales.

    CARGA UTIL Y PESO UTIL Peso máximo de la carga que un vehículo puede transportar en condiciones de seguridad y para el cual fue diseñado por el fabricante o reconstructor.

    LOADING OF GREAT WEIGHT OR VOLUME Load whose weight added to the vehicle weight exceeds the limits established for the gross vehicle weight in this Regulation or load whose dimensions exceed the maximum authorized, so that for transportation requires vehicles and special provisions.

    USEFUL LOAD AND UTILITY WEIGHT The maximum weight of the load that a vehicle can transport in safety conditions and for which it was designed by the manufacturer or rebuilder.

    There again they would have to know the weight of the "carga".

    NEXT I found the heaviest rated pickup I could find on these manufacturers websites. None of these vehicles has a load carrying capacity over the 3.5 limit but they are being rejected based on the GVWR tag.


    Reg cab, 8’ box (2WD) with dual rear wheels:

    The Silverado 3500 offers the same engine/transmission features that the 2500HD does, however it is usually equipped with "dually" twin wheels at the rear and has a stronger suspension. The HD models are primarily used for towing and high-weight cargo.

    GVWR 13500
    CURB 6322
    PAYLOAD 7153 (Would this be “Capacidad de Carga”?)

    FORD F-450 DRW 4x4

    Maximum Payload 7,630 lbs.
    Maximum GVWR 14,000 lbs.
    Curb weight 6,847 lbs.

    Both the 350 and 450 dualies carry the same bumper-tow rating (21,000 pounds), similar fifth-wheel-tow ratings (31,300 pounds for the F-350; 32,500 for the F-450), and the same 14,000-pound GVWR.

    RAM 3500,0&variation=0,2&variation=1,2&variation=0,2&variation=1,2&variation=0,3&variation=1,3&variation=0,3

    RAM 3500

    Payload Capacity - 7,390 POUNDS
    14,000-pound Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
    Curb Weight 6732

    Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) is the total weight of a fully loaded vehicle, including passengers and payload – but excluding all towing.

    Curb Weight - The weight of a vehicle without any passengers or cargo, but including all necessary fuel, fluids and standard equipment.

    Truck camper: 3,500 pounds (unloaded)
    Load your truck bed and cabin with the gear you need. With a maximum payload of 7,390 pounds with the gas engine, Ram 3500 lets you carry almost anything you might need.

    If the registration of the vehicle does not say "motor home" it is technically not classified under the weight exemption. It may be possible in some states to get the registration to say motor home but probably not. But the law says "casa rodante" which more or less translates to "house on wheels" and not motor home. They use the term motor home as a literal translation.

    My emails are asking for a more concise understanding of the terminology of "Annex 1". Why can't a camper on a truck be classified as a "casa rodante" as it does appear to meet the criteria?

    I keep asking them to clarify what the law means and why it is being applied differently but I cannot get them to commit to a clear and concise answer. They are bureaucrats and afraid to put their name on an answer. I have been trying to get them to pass the law up to higher authorities who would be qualified and willing to stick their neck out with an answer.

    I do not think it does any good to argue with them at the border at this point. Headquarters has to make up their minds as to what law should apply and how it should be applied. Then they need to get the message out to the troops in the field so everyone knows exactly what the law means and how to apply it at the border.

    They are rejecting pickup trucks based on their assumed weight and not on actual weight. They also seem to be conflicted about what the terminology of the law means. They seem to have a list of specific vehicles to reject but the vehicles on the list are the ones I mention above and do not have a cargo load capacity over 7,716 lbs.

    I am still emailing trying to get through to them that there seems to be confusion about what the law says and how it seems to be open to interpretation. I will post again as soon as they provide a clear and concise answer. I can't seem to get them to commit to one yet.
  • Last week I went directly to "the horses' mouth" (the SAT office at the border entry point in Reynosa, Tamps. Mexico, with my F350 pickup and a Lance 1130 camper, they reviewed the unit and the paperwork.

    "This unit is NOT allowed into Mexico" was the answer!!! I asked to speak with the custom director, and he also told me the same. Both the registration, title, and the vehicle serial number and identification plates were reviewed. I told them I had to go to Mexcio for turismo....

    The two suggestions were made:
    1. If I could make arrangement with the border entry customs agent....ummmm?

    2. Have the Texas motor vehicle dept change my veh classification to be a "MOTORHOME",,, IF it showed motorhome there would be no problem, and a 10 year permit would be issued.

    Well, thats the story FROM THE HORSES MOUTH....and this is what the campers owners will face on arrival at the border.
  • If anyone is interested – based on what SAT is telling me – and I am still trying to clarify – you can find the form to fill out for temporary importation of merchandise (instructions shown above with form at the following web address) – from what they tell me this would mean the camper on a pickup truck. I still do not know for sure. I am still asking them very specific question to try to narrow this down and clarify it and possibly resolve it. I these people are in SAT headquarters and they recognize the problem perhaps they will get the message to the border – that is if this is a solution – which still is not clear to me. I am still questioning them about how this would be charged, taxed, how it works. Yes I did a GOOGLE TRANSLATE so make no claims about correct wording.

    First click on Anexo 1 and then scroll down a couple page to Autorización de importación temporal

    Fuente Pequeña Fuente Mediana Fuente Grande Imprimir Imprimir


    En esta sección encontrarás algunas de las autorizaciones y fichas de trámite utilizados en materia de comercio exterior, mismos que podrás consultar y en algunos casos capturar de forma manual en la computadora.

    Todos se pueden imprimir y presentar de manera presencial.

    Esta información se dio a conocer en el Anexo 1 de las Reglas Generales de Comercio Exterior para 2017 publicado el DOF el 10 de febrero de 2017 y en el Anexo 1-A publicado en el DOF el 27 de enero de 2017.


    In this section you will find some of the authorizations and tokens used in foreign trade, which you can consult and in some cases capture manually in the computer.
    All can be printed and presented in person.

    This information was announced in Annex 1 of the General Rules of Foreign Trade for 2017 published on Official Gazette on 10 February 2017 and in Annex 1-A published in the Official Gazette on January 27, 2017.

    Remember that to consult these formats you must have Acrobat Reader .

    Autorización de importación temporal
  • Here is another email I received from SAT today. Every word in both Spanish and English is their words - NOT MINE. I did convert kilograms to lbs in order to more clearly understand in weights some of us might be more familiar with.

    Hi, Mr. Brian

    Pick up.


    Es un tipo de camioneta? empleado generalmente para el transporte de mercancías, y que tiene en su parte trasera una zona de carga descubierta (denominada caja, batea, carrocería, platón, cama o palangana), en la cual se pueden colocar objetos grandes. Por lo general, esta área está rodeada por una pared de alrededor de medio metro de alto; la parte posterior puede abatirse para poder cargar y descargar. La plataforma de carga puede ser cubierta en algunos modelos con una lona o con una estructura de fibra de vidrio (llamada capota o carpa).


    It is a type of truck used generally for the transport of goods, and that has in its rear part an area of ??load uncovered (denominated box, batea, body, plate, bed or basin), in which large objects can be placed. Usually this area is surrounded by a wall about half a meter high; the back can be folded down for loading and unloading. The loading platform can be covered in some models with a tarpaulin or with a fiberglass structure (called bonnet or tent).

    Según el mercado, las pickups pueden variar según su tamaño, configuración de cabina y área de carga, tracción, motor y chasis. En América y Asia, la mayoría de las pickups poseen chasis de largueros; las pickups se dividen en compactas, medias y grandes según el largo (5,00, 5,50 y 6,00 metros de largo, aproximadamente). En Latinoamérica y otras zonas en desarrollo existen pickups aún más pequeñas, con chasis autoportante y basadas en automóviles de turismo del segmento B, de unos 4,50 metros de largo.

    According to the market, pickups can vary depending on their size, cabin configuration and cargo area, traction, engine and chassis. In America and Asia, most pickups have chassis of spars; the pickups are divided into compact, medium and large depending on length (5,00, 5, 50 and 6, 00 meters long, approximately). In Latin America and other developing areas, there are still smaller pickups, with self-supporting chassis and based on passenger cars of segment B, about 4.50 meters long.

    La mayoría de las camionetas para uso personal entran a esta categoría, que tiene tres clases de servicio que van de la 1 a la 3:

    Most personal vans fall into this category, which has three classes of service ranging from 1 to 3:

    La Clase 1 abarca las camionetas con PBV de menos de 2 mil 724 kilogramos. Modelos como la Ford F-150 entran en la categoría.

    Class 1 covers vans with PBVs of less than 2,724 kilograms (6005.392 lbs). Models like the Ford F-150 fall into the category.

    En la Clase 2 entran camionetas con un PBV desde los 2 mil 724.45 hasta los 4 mil 540 kilogramos. A la categoría pertenecen vehículos como la Ford F-250, Vans de carga y ambulancias.

    In the Class 2, vans come in with a PBX from 2 724.45 (6005.392 lbs) to 4 thousand 540 kilograms (10008.99 lbs). Vehicles belonging to the category include the Ford F-250, Cargo Vans and ambulances.

    La Clase 3 comprende camiones con PBV desde los 4 mil 540.45 hasta los 6 mil 356 kilogramos y un buen ejemplo es la Ford F-350.

    The Class 3 includes trucks with PBV from 4 thousand 540.45 (10008.99 lbs) to 6 thousand 356 kg (14056.674 lbs) and a good example is the Ford F-350.

    En caso de que no pueda realizar la importación de la camioneta de recreación a través de un permiso de importación temporal de vehículos, puede realizar la importación de acuerdo al anexo 1, del que anteriormente ya se le había comentado.

    In case you cann´t carry out the importation of the recreational truck through a temporary importation permit of vehicles, you can carry out the importation according to Annex 1, previously mentioned to you.


    Now I will try to understand ANNEX 1 - This translation is by GOOGLE but I have emailed SAT for clarification.

    It seems to say you can get a temporary permit for merchandise and this would be how they would include the camper. They do mention things like make, model, serial number etc.

    This is part of a form that would be filled out and I have asked SAT to provide the exact web address where people can download this form. I am still asking them about cost or tax or whatever.

    ANNEX 1

    -Escribir con claridad, letra de molde y bolígrafo.

    -Esta solicitud se debe de presentar en original y copia.

    -Conserve su solicitud para ser entregada en la oficina de control vehicular de BANJERCITO por donde vaya a efectuar su retorno. Es su comprobante de la estancia legal de su mercancía.

    -Este documento no es válido si presenta raspaduras o enmendaduras.

    -Recuerde usted que al proporcionar datos inexactos o falsos se hará acreedor a sanciones relacionadas con la presunción de contrabando.

    Los campos 1, 2 y 3 serán llenados por el importador, los demás son de uso exclusivo de la autoridad aduanera.

    Estos datos deberán ser llenados por la autoridad aduanera:
    No. de Folio.- La autoridad aduanera anotará el número de folio del registro interno que corresponda.

    Fecha de ingreso.- Anotará la fecha de ingreso de la mercancía a territorio nacional, comenzando por el día, mes y año.

    Fecha de vencimiento.- Se anotará la fecha en que venza la importación temporal de la mercancía, empezando por el día, mes y año.

    Aduana/sección aduanera.- Anotará el nombre de la aduana o sección aduanera por la que se introduce la mercancía.

    Clave.- Anotará la clave de la aduana o sección aduanera por la que se introduce la mercancía.

    El importador proporcionará los siguientes datos:
    1.- Datos del propietario:

    Nombre completo (apellido paterno/apellido materno/nombre(s)), razón o denominación social.

    Anotará el nombre del propietario o razón social, empezando por el apellido paterno, materno y nombre o (s) nombres, así como su dirección completa.

    2.- Datos del importador:

    Nombre completo (apellido paterno/apellido materno/nombre(s)), razón o denominación social.

    Anotará el nombre del importador o de la razón social, residente en el extranjero en su caso, empezando por el apellido paterno, materno y nombre o nombres, así como su dirección completa.

    Licencia de conducir No.- Anotará el número de la licencia de conducir.

    Pasaporte No.- Anotará el número del pasaporte.

    S.S.N.- Anotará el número de la tarjeta de seguro social.
    Firma.- Asentará su firma autógrafa.

    3.- Descripción de la mercancía.- En este recuadro anotará la descripción, naturaleza, estado, origen y demás características de la mercancía, así como los demás datos que permitan la identificación de las mismas, o en su defecto las especificaciones técnicas o comerciales necesarias para su identificación, tales como marca, modelo, tipo, número de serie, tamaño, color, etc.
    Los siguientes datos deberán ser llenados por la autoridad aduanera:

    4.- Autorización de la aduana/sección aduanera:

    Nombre.- Anotará el nombre completo de la persona que otorga la autorización por parte de la aduana.

    No. de gafete del empleado.- Anotará el número de identificación (gafete) personal del empleado de la aduana que otorga la autorización.

    Firma.- Asentará su firma el empleado que haya autorizado la solicitud.

    Sello de la Aduana/sección aduanera.- En este espacio se pondrá el sello de la aduana o sección aduanera que otorga la autorización.

    5.- Datos del retorno:

    Fecha.- Anotará la fecha de retorno de la mercancía, comenzando por el día, mes y año.

    Aduana/sección aduanera.- Anotará el nombre de la aduana o sección aduanera por la que se retornará(n) la(s) mercancía(s).

    Clave.- Anotará la clave de la aduana o sección aduanera que le corresponda.

    Lugar.- Anotará el nombre de la ciudad, municipio y estado que le corresponda a la aduana o a la sección aduanera.


    - Write clearly, print and pen.

    -This application must be submitted in original and copy.

    - Keep your request to be delivered to the vehicle control office of BANJERCITO where you will make your return. It is your proof of legal stay of your merchandise.

    -This document is not valid if it has scratches or scratches.

    -Remember that in providing inaccurate or false data will be credited to sanctions related to the presumption of contraband.

    Fields 1, 2 and 3 will be filled by the importer, the others are for the exclusive use of the customs authority.

    These details must be filled out by the customs authority:
    Folio No..- The customs authority will write the folio number of the corresponding internal record.

    Date of entry.- Enter the date of entry of the merchandise into national territory, beginning with the day, month and year.
    Expiration date.- The date on which the temporary importation of the merchandise will expire, starting with the day, month and year, will be noted.

    Customs / customs section.- Enter the name of the customs office or customs section through which the goods are introduced.

    Clave.- Enter the code of the customs or customs section through which the goods are introduced.

    The importer shall provide the following information:

    1.- Owner information:

    Full name (paternal last name / maternal surname / name (s)), reason or company name.

    Enter the name of the owner or company name, starting with the paternal last name, mother and name (s), as well as the full address.

    2.- Data of the importer:

    Full name (paternal last name / maternal surname / name (s)), reason or company name.

    Enter the name of the importer or company name, residing abroad in your case, starting with the paternal last name, mother and names or names, as well as your complete address.

    Driver's License No.- Enter the driver's license number.

    Passport No.- Enter the passport number.

    S.S.N.- Enter the number of the social security card.

    Signature.- Your signature will be signed.

    3.- Description of the goods.- In this box, enter the description, nature, state, origin and other characteristics of the merchandise, as well as other data that allow the identification thereof, or failing the technical or commercial specifications identification, such as brand, model, type, serial number, size, color, etc.

    The following data must be completed by the customs authority:
    4.- Authorization of customs / customs section:

    Name.- Enter the full name of the person granting the authorization by the customs.

    Employee's badge number.- It will record the personal identification number (badge) of the employee of the customs office that grants the authorization.

    Signature.- Signed by the employee who authorized the request.
    Stamp of the Customs / customs section.- In this space the stamp of the customs or customs section that grants the authorization will be placed.

    5.- Return data:

    Date.- Enter the date of return of the merchandise, beginning with the day, month and year.

    Customs / customs section.- Enter the name of the customs office or customs section to return the merchandise (s).

    Clave.- Enter the code of the customs or customs section that corresponds to you.

    Place.- Enter the name of the city, municipality and state that corresponds to the customs or the customs section.
  • I posted some of the weight terminology and definitions above and previously in another current thread. Here are some more abbreviations and terminology and definitions in English from the US and also translated using GOOGLE to provide some idea of what the Spanish might look like. Just some more ideas of the use or misuse of words to provide talking points with the border staff. Hope this is off some use. Something to save and have ready if you should have problems at the border........

    As I searched the manufacturers websites I did find they list both a GVWR and a cargo capacity - CCC or various other terms they use below where they use their own words. These weights may appear somewhere on your original paperwork or even on a label somewhere such as your glove box. Be ready to dazzle them with your knowledge of the rules. I could find no pickup trucks within what RVers normally use for campers or hauling trailers where the CCC exceeded the 7,716 lb figure in Mexico's laws.

    It's important to understand that a vehicle's GVWR is not a measurement of how much a vehicle actually weighs. A vehicle's actual weight is the gross vehicle weight, or GVW. The two numbers should not be confused -- the GVW of a vehicle is constantly changing, but the GVWR will always remain a constant.

    Es importante entender que el GVWR de un vehículo no es una medida de cuánto pesa realmente un vehículo. El peso real de un vehículo es el peso bruto del vehículo, o GVW. Los dos números no deben ser confundidos - el GVW de un vehículo está cambiando constantemente, pero el GVWR siempre será una constante.

    You can think of the GAWR as a weight limit for each of your vehicle's axles -- a weight limit determined by the automaker. A vehicle's axles should never be loaded beyond the manufacturer's listed GAWR.

    Usted puede pensar en el GAWR como un límite de peso para cada uno de los ejes de su vehículo - un límite de peso determinado por el fabricante de automóviles. Los ejes de un vehículo nunca deben cargarse más allá del GAWR listado por el fabricante.

    Even though all of these costs, statistics, weights and measures are published, or somehow available to consumers, there are still a few numbers that cause some confusion among new car and truck buyers. Truthfully, most people don't even know what some of these numbers really mean, or the consequences of ignoring them. One example is a vehicle's gross combination weight rating, or GCWR.

    A pesar de que todos estos costos, estadísticas, pesos y medidas se publican, o de alguna manera a disposición de los consumidores, todavía hay algunos números que causan cierta confusión entre los nuevos compradores de automóviles y camiones. Sinceramente, la mayoría de la gente ni siquiera sabe lo que algunos de estos números realmente significan, o las consecuencias de ignorarlos. Un ejemplo es la clasificación de peso bruto de una combinación de vehículos, o GCWR.

    A vehicle's GCWR is a specific weight determined by the manufacturer to be the maximum weight of a loaded tow vehicle and its attached loaded trailer. The total weight of the tow vehicle and trailer should never exceed the manufacturer's listed GCWR

    El GCWR de un vehículo es un peso específico determinado por el fabricante como el peso máximo de un vehículo de remolque cargado y su remolque cargado adjunto. El peso total del vehículo de remolque y del remolque no debe exceder nunca del GCWR listado por el fabricante

    CCC: (CARGO CARRYING CAPACITY) is the maximum weight of everything you add to the RV, including all belongings. The load. The cargo.

    CCC: (CAPACIDAD DE TRANSPORTE DE CARGA) es el peso máximo de todo lo que se agrega a la RV, incluyendo todas las pertenencias. La carga. La carga.

    “ CARGO WEIGHT RATING” Some pickup trucks will have a label with this wording. This would be the same as CCC. The label could be somewhere such as the glove compartment.

    "CARGO PESO RATING" Algunas camionetas tendrán una etiqueta con este texto. Esto sería lo mismo que CCC. La etiqueta podría estar en algún lugar como la guantera.

    “TRUCK CAMPER LOAD INFORMATION” There could be another sticker with this wording. This is also the same as CCC.

    "INFORMACIÓN DE LA CARGA DEL CAMPISTA DE CAMPOS" Podría haber otra etiqueta con este texto. Esto también es lo mismo que CCC.

    PAYLOAD CAPACITY This is another term used for CCC.

    CAPACIDAD DE CARGA Este es otro término usado para CCC.

    GVW: (Gross Vehicle Weight) the total weight of a fully equipped and loaded RV with passengers, gas, oil, water, and all the other stuff you have in there.

    GVW: (peso bruto del vehículo) el peso total de un RV completamente equipado y cargado con pasajeros, gas, aceite, agua, y todas las otras cosas que usted tiene adentro allí.

    GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) means the maximum allowable weight of the fully loaded vehicle, including liquids, passengers, cargo and the tongue weight of any towed vehicle. Note: The tow vehicle and RV each have a GVWR.

    GVWR (Peso Bruto del Vehículo) significa el peso máximo permisible del vehículo completamente cargado, incluyendo líquidos, pasajeros, carga y el peso de la lengüeta de cualquier vehículo remolcado. Nota: El vehículo de remolque y RV tienen un GVWR.

    GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) is the maximum allowable weight each axle assembly is designed to carry, as measured at the tires, including the weight of the axle assembly itself. The GAWR is specified by the vehicle manufacturer. It is established by considering the rating of each of its components (tires, wheels, springs, axle), and rating the axle on its weakest link.

    GAWR (Peso Bruto del Eje) es el peso máximo permisible que cada conjunto de eje está diseñado para transportar, tal como se mide en los neumáticos, incluyendo el peso del propio conjunto del eje. El GAWR es especificado por el fabricante del vehículo. Se establece considerando la clasificación de cada uno de sus componentes (neumáticos, ruedas, resortes, eje) y la clasificación del eje en su eslabón más débil.

    The GAWR assumes that the load is equal on each side. This is a rating of the maximums for an axle. It is possible to be overloaded on one end of the axle, and still not exceed the GAWR – hence the recommendation that you obtain individual wheel position weight measurements and inflate tires according to the load.

    El GAWR asume que la carga es igual en cada lado. Esta es una clasificación de los máximos para un eje. Es posible ser sobrecargado en un extremo del eje, y aún no exceder el GAWR - de ahí la recomendación de que usted obtenga mediciones individuales de peso de posición de rueda e infle neumáticos de acuerdo a la carga.

    GCWR (Gross Combination Weight Rating) is the maximum allowable combined weight of the tow vehicle and the attached towed vehicle. GCWR assumes that both vehicles have functioning brakes, with exceptions in some cases for very light towed vehicles (less than 1,500 lbs). Check your chassis manual or manufacturer towing guide.

    GCWR (Gross Combination Weight Rating) es el peso combinado máximo permitido del vehículo remolcador y el vehículo remolcado adjunto. GCWR asume que ambos vehículos tienen frenos que funcionan, con excepciones en algunos casos para los vehículos remolcados muy ligeros (menos de 1.500 libras). Consulte el manual del chasis o la guía de remolque del fabricante.

    UVW (Unloaded Vehicle Weight) is the weight of the unit as built at the factory with full fuel tanks, engine oil and coolants. The UVW does not include cargo, fresh water, LP gas, occupants or dealer-installed accessories. Also known as TARE weight - Tare weight, sometimes called unladen weight, is the weight of an empty vehicle or container. By subtracting it from the gross weight (laden weight), the weight of the goods carried (the net weight) may be determined. In transportation, it is the weight of the carrier (such as truck or van). Tare weight plus net weight equals gross weight.

    UVW (peso del vehículo descargado) es el peso de la unidad construido en fábrica con tanques de combustible, aceite de motor y refrigerantes completos. El UVW no incluye carga, agua dulce, gas LP, ocupantes o accesorios instalados por el distribuidor. También conocido como peso TARA - El peso tara, a veces llamado peso sin carga, es el peso de un vehículo o contenedor vacío. Al restarlo del peso bruto (peso cargado), puede determinarse el peso de las mercancías transportadas (el peso neto). En el transporte, es el peso del portador (como camión o furgoneta). El peso tara más el peso neto es igual al peso bruto.

    NCC (Net Carrying Capacity), used from 1996 – 2000, is the maximum weight of all personal belongings food, fresh water, LP gas, tools, dealer-installed accessories and other items that can be carried by the unit.

    NCC (Net Carrying Capacity), utilizado desde 1996 hasta 2000, es el peso máximo de todas las pertenencias personales de alimentos, agua dulce, gas LP, herramientas, accesorios instalados por el concesionario y otros artículos que pueden ser transportados por la unidad.

    The Sleeping Capacity Weight Rating (SCWR) is determined by multiplying 154 pounds (70 kilograms) by the number of sleeping positions. The remaining “unused” weight—the Cargo Carrying Capacity—is the amount of “stuff” (Load) you can safely carry before exceeding the manufacturer's Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR).

    El índice de peso de la capacidad de sueño (SCWR) se determina multiplicando 154 libras (70 kilogramos) por el número de posiciones de dormir. El peso "no utilizado" restante -la Capacidad de Carga de Carga- es la cantidad de "material" (Carga) que puede transportar con seguridad antes de exceder la clasificación de peso bruto del vehículo (GVWR) del fabricante.

    CCC (Cargo Carrying Capacity), used Sept 2000 – present, means GVWR minus the following: UVW, full fresh (potable) water weight (including that for the water heater) full LP gas weight, and SCWR. Note: Remember that optional accessories or equipment not included in the UVW will take up part of the Cargo Carrying Capacity.

    CCC (Cargo Carrying Capacity), utilizado desde Sept 2000 hasta el presente, significa GVWR menos lo siguiente: UVW, peso de agua fresco (potable) completo (incluyendo el del calentador de agua) y SCWR. Nota: Recuerde que los accesorios opcionales o equipos no incluidos en el UVW tomarán parte de la Capacidad de Carga.

    In motor vehicles, the gross trailer weight rating (GTWR) is the total mass of a road trailer that is loaded to capacity, including the weight of the trailer itself, plus fluids, and cargo, that a vehicle is rated to tow by the manufacturer. In the United States and Canada, the static tongue load, the weight of the trailer as measured at the trailer coupling, is generally recommended to be 10-15% of the GTWR.

    En los vehículos de motor, el índice de peso bruto del remolque (GTWR) es la masa total de un remolque de carretera cargado a capacidad, incluido el peso del remolque propiamente dicho, más fluidos y carga, que un vehículo está clasificado para remolcar por el fabricante . En los Estados Unidos y Canadá, la carga estática de la lengüeta, el peso del remolque según lo medido en el acoplamiento del acoplado, se recomienda generalmente ser 10-15% del GTWR.

    Curb weight (American English) or kerb weight (British English) is the total weight of a vehicle with standard equipment, all necessary operating consumables such as motor oil, transmission oil, coolant, air conditioning refrigerant, and sometimes a full tank of fuel, while not loaded with either passengers or cargo.
    El peso en vacío (inglés americano) o el peso en vacío (inglés británico) es el peso total de un vehículo con equipo estándar, todos los consumibles operativos necesarios tales como aceite de motor, aceite de transmisión, refrigerante, refrigerante de aire acondicionado ya veces un tanque lleno de combustible, mientras que no se carga con pasajeros o carga.

    Tare weight, sometimes called unladen weight, is the weight of an empty vehicle or container. By subtracting it from the gross weight (laden weight), the weight of the goods carried (the net weight) may be determined. In transportation, it is the weight of the carrier (such as truck or van). Tare weight plus net weight equals gross weight.

    El peso tara, a veces llamado peso sin carga, es el peso de un vehículo o contenedor vacío. Al restarlo del peso bruto (peso cargado), puede determinarse el peso de las mercancías transportadas (el peso neto). En el transporte, es el peso del portador (como camión o furgoneta). El peso tara más el peso neto es igual al peso bruto.
  • Thanks Brian, forwarding a link to this thread to my sister and brother-in-law who are planning a Mexican trip this winter with a pickup with canopy and travel trailer.