Crowe wrote:
LOL on the popcorn!
For those too paranoid to leave the house without a firearm (anyone who carries for defense actually), just make sure you have a good lawyer on retainer. Have their office phone, cell phone, home phone, health club phone, country club phone, and as many relatives as you can get phone numbers. You will need to get a hold of an attorney post-haste should you shoot someone. And you need to ask yourself a few questions: Can I determine what is a true threat? Am I ready for the legal repercussions? Can I emotionally handle taking another's life?
If you can't answer YES! to all three questions, then leave your firearm at home.
My personal feeling is that those that feel this need to carry a firearm are people who live in abject terror of their own shadow. I have been in every state in this union and lived in cities such as Washington DC and Atlanta. I have been to War zones like the one in Sri Lanka when the Tamil Tigers were fighting, Nigeria, Spanish Sahara I have never felt the need for a gun.
I have had quite a few automatic weapons pointed at me in many places around the world I didnt defuse those situations by having a gun.
This Wild West mentality is uncivilized and harmful to a peaceful society.
But there is no reasoning with the folks that feel the need to carry a gun everywhere....they are frozen in a time warp of movie-land westerns and mired in fear.
Here is the real quote from Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural:
"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."