Rich&Mar wrote:
do you run the max pressure in your tires as written on the sidewall? I have the Endurance, and it states 80# psi. Seems to me you need to take the outside temperature into consideration. I an reluctant to inflate to 80 psi and go on the road when it's 90% out. Then it becomes a guessing game, what psi at 90, at 75, at 45 degrees. 8200lb 5er. The sidewall does read, max pressure, so should you put less due to the temp? Or let the pressure go well over the 80 because of the heat? pressure for long service life/mileage for tires on a trailer depends on OEM axle capacity along with actual scaled axle weights.
However if no scaled axle weights then use the trailers OEM axle size numbers with maybe 10-15 percent max reserve capacity mostly to help eliminate side stress internal issues when tire on a multiaxle trailer side scrubs going around corners or tight backing maneuvers.
If the Endurance are the OEM size and load range then use max sidewall pressures.
If the trailer is over tired (D to E) then use Goodyears minimum tire pressure/load charts and add 10-15 psi to that number at a minimum.
I've found tires with lots of service life/old tires can rupture from over pressure vs a new tire. Tires like that has lots of bruises = weak spots....and lots of stories to tell.