Forum Discussion

slamberte5's avatar
Mar 29, 2014

05 Holiday Rambler 30PDD/workhorse

Good Morning
We are new to this site and we are 5th wheelers. Family issues are making for a change. We have found the MH at a dealer for asking $ 49k. We would like input on the motor home itself. We like the floor plan. WE have heard different concerns about the workhorse platform. Any comments would be welcomed. Thanks Steve
  • Man you all are great. We just returned from the test drive. Bob and Ann your tire comment is right on the tires are original Michelins XRV the dealer painted them and they look good but I agree they need to be changed. Neil its a W18 chassis 18000 GVWR there was a warning buzzer going off the entire test drive the sales guy though it was a leveler jack but I think brakes is more likely. Also the air bags did not raise the coach in front. So Wilkens RV has some work to do thank you all for your help. Steve
  • The Workhorse is a pretty good chassis, the 8.1 V8 is strong, dependable & the Allison trans is backed up by many many years of service in several different types of trucks, so you'll be good to go there.
    The only thing you really need to be on your toes about, are those brake issues from the past on the W18, W20, W22 model chassis, to be sure that problem has been corrected.
    It may take more than just asking, if the brake issues have been corrected, maybe even need go to some records if they can be found.
    During the brake recall, at first, even some of the replacement calipers were defective & those had to be replaced as well, so it was a pretty serious problem.

    In all of the reading I've done on the Workhorse brake issues, the larger W24 model chassis, was not affected with the issues in the brake recall, because they used a different type of brake caliper on those.
    The brake issue, was a Bosch type caliper with the non metal type pistons. Those non metal pistons would absorb moisture & under hard breaking, swell & not release the brakes resulting in sticking brakes.
    Other than the brake issues on the Workhorse, if that problem has been corrected proper, I wouldnt turn around for the difference between the Workhorse or the Ford F53 chassis, because both will give you years on service.
  • We had a Workhorse 22 and it was a good coach. Ours was an Allegro Bay.We had more then adequate power. The Allison transmission on that series was excellent. The 2005 was the model before the Allision that downshifts automatically when you touch the brake going down a hill. This is not an issue I am just mentioning it. If it has the original tires on it they will need to be replaced. Check the code dates and if they are 7 years old or older get the dealer to knock another $3,600 off for new tires.
  • 8.1 is the motor that was used in most of the chassis. A W in front followed by 20, 22, 24 indicates the GVW of the chassis and that is the important to be considered. The dealer doesn't know what he is talking about. Beware!!
  • Ok thanks I understand just like F 150 and so on. I will check today we are going again to drive it and see the systems work. Thank you all again. Steve PS just checked the chassis is a 8100 per dealer ad.
  • The chassis is made by workhorse.What Gjac was refering to,W20-W22 is different chassis sizes kinda like chevrolet 2500 and 3500 .both are GM the later is just a heavier chassis.
  • Thanks big help. I have read about the brake problem so I'm glad you brought that up and I will check recall??? By chassis I'm confused I though workhorse was the chassis. Can you clear that up? Steve
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    What chassis is it on? W-20,W-22? The major problem posted here were the brake calipers sticking. there was a recall and I would assume by now it was completed but I would check on it. Some of the HR's in that size had full wall slides which is nice. It also should have full basement storage doors not the cutout doors that you see on shorter newer MH's. If you go one year newer the transmission would have the 6 speed rather than the 5 speed. When I compare all the short MH's this would be at the top of my list.
  • I'm sure others will chime in with better info, but IIRC you can enter the Vin# at workhorse and check for any recalls that have been completed or outstanding

    I'm a ford owner so my info is probably not the best,but the workhorse of that year model used a 8.1 engine and allison trans.This setup was basically bulletproof if cared for.

    Over on the Irv2 board there is a workhorse chassis owners thread that should have plenty of good info.