As Jim said sometimes you have a BOMB. I believe the daybreak is a "Sister" to my Intruder and thus .. Well I have a BOMB (matrix switch) the power switch is labeled it's the button on the left.
Full description
This is a row of buttons divided into groups
Power.. Then MAIN TV, VCR (or DVR) TV 2 TV 3 AUX
You mau not have all those sections
In each section (Save the VR) you have buttons for
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Now I was in a THOR class C which had the new "JACK" "antenna' (I do nothave a high opinion of this device). THe "Sure lock" Signal indicator (likewise on my opinion) runs off a wall wart that was in a side cabinetjust forward of the entry door.
By pure chance I spotted the Antenna Switch Tell-tale hiding behind the wall wart.