Arnold Wagaman wrote:
Has Lazy Daze made any improvements to their coaches . IE coach doors, insulation,flooring. I live in Alaska and do camping in 30 to 40F. on the Owners forum they talk about adding insulation. In my view that should already be done. I had a new 2000 Lazy Daze and loved the floor plan. But the above was a drawback.
The new Lazy Dazes use foam core insulation, thermo pane windows (.25 inch gap) and better vent caps and skylights when compared to your 2000 LD. My 07 has the thermo pane windows but not the updated insulation, vent covers and skylights. I often camp in 30 deg weather with no issues. I blow the lines and dump tanks for sub 30 deg camping. I try to avoide sub 20 deg, but got caught last Feb. when night time temps were in single digits. The inside of the rv was high 30s low 40 running just the stock electric heater in the HVAC when sleeping. It warmed right up when using the propain heater or when cooking.