5thwheeleroldman wrote:
Thanks, I'm the OP. Guess maybe a motorhome is not for me as the main reason I was interested was being able to get to the bathroom while moving. Should have realized that was not a good idea. If I have to pull off for bathroom stops, then I'm just about as well off with the 5th wheel as with a motorhome. Plus I have 17 years experience with the 5th wheel; probably not a good idea to change into something I know nothing about --- at my age. Thanks for the help anyway.
By the way, I don't MIND pulling over for bathroom stops, but you all know how hard it is to find a place to safely do so!
One of the main reasons we bought a MH is having the full functionality of everything on board - including bathrooms, while travelling. My family has no issues at all using the facilities when en-route. Not sure what all the apprehension is, I mean I get the safety issue but it's done all the time in planes, busses, and yes MHs. I never consider pulling over for a bathroom break unless it's the driver and I do that every 3 hours to stretch anyway. The rest of the passengers enjoy all the amenities at will - TV, refer, microwave, etc. Quite often my son will lay in bed and watch movies. DW may take a nap etc. Laying prone on a bed provides lot of surface area. I have stopped quite hard and my son said he hardly noticed while laying down. But, buckled in otherwise, and if we are on windy roads or heavy traffic, I will turn on the seat belt sign. Heck I remember being on a tight schedule to FL about 10 yrs ago in a Class C and I actually took a shower while DW drove. Some of the doom and gloom crowd will tell you I am lucky to be here. I will tell you my family was lucky I was able to take a shower. ;)