Forum Discussion

rickandcheryl's avatar
Apr 17, 2016

Big Slide Problem

2011 Winnebago 34Y. The full wall slide is dead! Push the button and nothing, no lights, no nothing, slide won't move. All fuses and circuit breakers check good. HELP!
  • Finally Got with Winnebago for some help with this. Was told to check the micro switches on the slide locks, as if they are open no power gets to the control switch. Checked the back one first and all looked good, micro switches closed, but when I moved my hand around one of the switches a wire fell off. Put it back one and tried the slide, still nothing. Went to the front lock and took the cover off and found one of the wires to the front micro switch just hanging loose, not connected! Put it back on and the slide works perfectly!
    Thanks Winnebago!!!
  • Reboot... Use the disconnect or disconnect battery power for a couple of minutes. Our key must be in the on position for them to work and I have forgotten a couple of times.
  • I turned the key to the slide panel off once and took the key out...Not sure if you have that part...I was puzzled for a while on that...or check motor control switch on the motors, make sure it is in the lock position, no in between. Just a few thoughts...