wny_pat wrote:
JC2 wrote:
We also went with Blue Sky this year. Progessive(which means yrly rate increases) went up from $600 per yr to $1400 per yr. When I called them and asked why the noticeable rate increase every year, the person on the other end stated, you pay for others mistakes and because we can. Real class act. Blue sky was $637 a year even with increased coverage. Keep in mind that you should always check rates for the other companies as none are your friend.
Keep in mind that auto insurance companies can not raise rates using a "because we can" excuse. In almost every state in the union, the insurance companies have to get permission from the state's insurance commissioner or state's insurance department before they can raise rates above a given point! There is always some wiggle room for the insurers to raise rates depending on the insured driving record.
Also keep in mind that many companies raise a individual's rates after their first years anniversary with the insurance company, because they find more adverse info on their individual customers.
"they can raise rates above a given point!" ... I think this is where Progressive has been sliding my rates up every year.
I have an exceptional credit score, ... zero accidents or claims on any vehicle for over 35 years, yet my rate increase at least $150 per year. Oh, and zero traffic infractions. That may seem small, but multiplied by the number of years I've been covered by Progressive I would say they've found a way into my wallet!
So, ... right now I'm looking hard at Blue Sky Insurance too.