Aadkins101 wrote:
We had the same predicament - the hooking up the trailer became too difficult. We traded our trailer for a 2019 Coachman Leprechaun 210 RS - 24’9. We have had it now for 10 months - no major problems. Love it. We lived in it in FL for 3 months comfortably. We now rent a car if we are going to be in a place for more than a week. For shorter trips, we just drive the Leprechaun to do errands - easy to park. We have no intention of getting a toad. We are finished with towing anything!
We got our C ten years ago. I was tired of sway bar hook-up, along with backing it and parking it. All we do now is pull in level it and plug in the electric. If it isn't simple, it seems too much like work. Ours is a 21 footer, shorter than some pick-ups.