Forum Discussion

KPruitt's avatar
Jan 11, 2015

Step cover not working

Went on a little drive, placed step cover out returned home can't get the cover to retract. Checked fuzes switch and motor are good. Any ideals on how to fix?

Any help appreciated.
  • MrWizard wrote:
    make model yr of MH ?

    Just a guess. 2007 Holiday Rambler Neptune
  • From the outside, open the door and look under the cover, since it's extended. Often, one of the arms falls off or gets jammed.

    How do you know the fuse, motor and switch is good?

    Monaco screwed the arms to the cover through the carpet at the front of the step.....side you see when looking in from the outside. You can reach underneath and feel where they are. This will allow you to disconnect the mechanism form the step and at least push it back in.