jeffmarschner wrote:
When you say to connect to the 12v main pin on your Onan generator, you are referring to the incoming 12 v pin, correct?
I am trying to set up a charging wire to my 2013 CRV. The pin on my connector is dead. based on the posts here and elsewhere, I am convinced it was never connected.
Just run this wire to the + side of my CRV battery with fuses at both ends?
I believe the OP just wants 12VDC at the trailer plug on his/her coach. How "marker lights" and any other subject enters this, I'm not sure. But, this is a simple matter. All that has to be done is, what has been stated at least once is, climb under the coach, and see if there's even a wire that leads to that particular pin in the plug. There's two ways to go here. One, if there's a wire that leads to the pin and, it's dead with either the ignition on or off, then you can back trace that wire to the power source and find out what's the problem with no power.
And, the second way is, if there's no wire, then you'll have to set one up, from many possible sources on the coach. It's a simple chore.
Now, when you get power to that trailer plug, all that's needed from that point on is, run that power through the pig tail, into the toad, and up to the positive post on the CRV. And yes, do install a fuse for short circuit protection. There's no need for any "kits" of any kind. It's a charge wire, not brain surgery. Hope this helps some.