Forum Discussion

time_to_go_now's avatar
Aug 10, 2015

Winnebago basement air

I have searched and read as much as I can about this. I understand that it takes away outside storage. But, does it work any better that two air conditioners mounted on the roof? Does it really cool quicker? Less noisy?

If so, why isn't everybody else offering it?

Just curious.
  • For us the basement air cools the same as our roof tops.

    Is it quieter? Only in the living room area. The bedroom it's was noisier. It was so bad we just turned it off and used fans. Now with roof top ducted Air, we run the living room A/c when we sleep. Nice and quiet.

    There must be a reason they are getting away from them.
  • Basement A/C

    Does it really cool quicker? No.

    Is it quieter? Oh yes.

    Is it easy to work on. You bet. No climbing on the roof.

    Is it installed on new units? No.
  • You should compare what it costs to work on the basement unit vs the roof top units, or, what it costs replace the basement unit vs one or two of the roof units. I also think it's more difficult to find truly competent people to work on the basement units.
