MNRon wrote:
Sorry, not trying to turn this political with my last post...but...trying to get each of us to look at ourselves in the mirror and try to help advocate for improvement for this segment of our population instead of just trying to push them into a corner we don’t have to see...
Without further comment...... On this we agree.
Someone up-thread mentioned a school bus pulling a trailer full of "Junk" or as it turned out "Junque" (that's junk with class) since he needed some of it.
In my case it was a Class C with a long haired type driving. Turns out he and his lady were very nice people... The site they parked on did not have a fire ring and the park was out but I had a spare I got some time back I'd never used (I used to make campfires for my wife.. Myself the cost/benefit ratio is a tad high but she liked 'em) so I had the spare ring for when it was needed. but it's never going to be needed. So it's theirs.
Many looked at 'em and ran.. What can I tell you.. Make friends. not war?