Forum Discussion

Garry_Gayle's avatar
May 27, 2020

Dometic Refrigerator cooling

I have a Dometic RM1350 Refer; when turning on the unit works great whether gas or elec. on setting 4 refer runs about 35 deg. freezer is 0 deg. then around 4 pm it warms to around 40 deg. then by 3 am its back to 35 deg. again. After about a 7 to 14 days at 4 pm it warms to 45 - 50 deg. but then only cools to maybe 40 deg. regardless of exterior temp. this is not the 1st time it's done this, any ideas? Cooling fans are running, changing temp setting makes no difference, refer side is facing East, so no afternoon sun

I get the feeling it goes into defrost mode and doesn't come out of it completely.