I hope there's no one out there that's leaving the valve to the black tank open while camping. That's sure to cause problem.
Home toilets use 1.6 gallons of water to not only empty the bowl but to move the solids along the sewer line to the treatment plant.
RV toilets and holding tanks aren't designed to work that way. Most all good RVs have a flushing feature to blast anything left in the tank after dumping toward the dump valve. Best practice is to refill the black tank with a few gallons of water after dumping then add your chemicals (I've had the best luck with and recommend
Happy Camper Treatment) before using the toilet again. If your RV doesn't have a flush feature, fill the toilet 3 times after flushing and closing the dump valve so that there's some water in the tank before using it again.
If you leave you black tank open, your solids will mound up until they prevent the toilet from draining. After that happens, you've got a lot of work to do before your tank is usable again.