a little humor
they do the same thing, they are not the same device
a toyota and a ford will both get you down the road
but you cannot work on the Ford by looking at the pictures in a toyota service manual, Yet both are cars
to be more precise, you can not fix and early Coralla by looking at a late model Camray manual
a few pictures of yours with cover off
would help settle this, so we know which manual and circuit boards to look at
use this link to upload your pix, one at a time, copy the img link from the web page and paste it in your post
http://photoposting.is-great.net/?i=2i don't remember you posting the answer to the question
OFwhere you measured the 14/15 volts
on the AC output or on the DC battery connections
on the AC output, thats idle voltage
on the battery connections means its charging
i think you are not charging, you are stuck in inverter mode
i just want you to verify
you say the line voltage indicator does not come on
and there is no pass thru, it runs off the batteries inverting
i think he said 1999 Born Free
which could make the inverter a newer model or Not, since it was not a factory install, the first owner did the inverter install
inside rear of the inverter, there are stickers, serial number and a small 4 digit date code