Forum Discussion

Travels_with_Yo's avatar
Dec 11, 2016

Buyer Beware - Adventurer Truck Campers

We purchased a new 2016 Adventurer 80RB the beginning of August and actually like the camper a great deal. There is however an issue with the design and execution of the entry door. We had a problem with ours caused by a factory defect (installed incorrectly on the production line) and the manufacturer now claims no responsibility. While the product may be fine in general, it's not worth it if the manufacturer doesn't stand behind the claimed warranty. See my video for all the details ....

Damage by Design
  • I don't blame you for being upset. The way Adventurer treated you is just why Truck Camper Warehouse dropped the Adventurer/Eagle Cap line.

    I have owned three cabover campers and all needed some stuff fixed. One issue noticed before purchase was as the door opened all the trim pieces basically fell into the camper. And this was after an exhaustive check and double check process before it left the factory in La Grande and after the dealer also went over it with a fine tooth comb before putting it on the sales lot. Things happen. Get it fixed, move on.
  • I spent 30 years in retail and customer service. Your conundrum is nothing new as the builders of this(these) product(s) have probably had it happen many times and they shrug it off as your fault as the end user, at least it was the winds fault, not their bad design and it is an act of God you cannot foresee this happening and thus making it your fault for not seeing the future. I'm saying the skin of a door costs next to nothing compared to the door itself and a misplaced bumper from the factory does not make it a lemon because there is nothing they have to do but tell it's your bad luck. They do not have to fix anything really. RV warranties are a farce in my opinion. No body can hold them accountable. Obviously this is whack...they should fix it and do something to keep it from happening again, but hey...word gets out and your hard work not just to buy into their product but to tell others why NOT to buy their products will not go unnoticed. Bad decision on their part...The world I come from is the customer is always right, and when they (you) are wrong, (you) still are right...just fix it.
  • Quality of the product is not the responsibility of the customer. Why didn't the manufacturing quality inspector find the problem before it left the factory. Why didn't the dealer find the problem before delivery to the customer?
  • Travels with Yoly wrote:
    We purchased a new 2016 Adventurer 80RB the beginning of August and actually like the camper a great deal. There is however an issue with the design and execution of the entry door. We had a problem with ours caused by a factory defect (installed incorrectly on the production line) and the manufacturer now claims no responsibility. While the product may be fine in general, it's not worth it if the manufacturer doesn't stand behind the claimed warranty. See my video for all the details ....

    Damage by Design

    I don't blame you for being upset. The way Adventurer treated you is just why Truck Camper Warehouse dropped the Adventurer/Eagle Cap line.
  • I'm amazed that they would not just fix it for sake of customer good will.

    I agree with you.
  • I had to watch the video to see what this was all about. I dont want to beat you up but to me it would be obvious that the door isn't supposed to hold its position even when it's windy. You can tell by the way you move it that it isn't that stiff.
    If it were me, I would buy one of the many available RV door holding kits and mount it over the damage - like this one linky. That would kill two birds as they say.
  • I'm amazed that they would not just fix it for sake of customer good will.

    But as badly built as most RVs are, if this is your only problem, you are way ahead of the average.
  • You sure went to a lot of effort with your four plus minute video to make a mountain out of a molehill. Why, when you did the PDI (you did do a PDI, didn't you?) watch and see the bumper was an inch off and have it fixed before taking delivery as you would have done with anything else that you found that was not right with the camper? Or that the door did not work right

    Now, why don't you just take the door to an RV repair shop and have the small hole fixed? I can understand your disappointment but is it really that big a deal? Who is the loser, you for all the time it took to put together a video or the factory that has moved on long ago. I am confident that nobody will be deterred from purchasing a truck camper from Adventurer just because of your video. You said you like the camper so get it fixed and move on. It is not the end of the world. Perhaps not the best customer service after the sale from the factory, but still not worth a four minute video.
  • Good for you, making a video about it. Probably not going to be any changes of how RV OEM do business if nobody holds them to it.

    If possible I would post a link to your vid on every one of their vid's that they have on youtube, showing other people how they weaseled out.
  • That seems obvious to be a manufacturing defect.
    Please update us if they see the light.