Hermes1 wrote:
True but I seem to recall reading that after a heavy tow or haul, the drive into and through the campground to your site is enough to bring down those temps. Of course nothing wrong in doing as you suggest, but may not be completely necessary.
You are probably right, but its not worth the risk of damage to me. I would have to restart the truck and pull forward after dropping the trailer anyways. 25 cents worth of diesel fuel prevents the potential for thousands of dollars in repairs if I burn up the turbo.
Sometimes traveling down to Florida in the winter we will drive 8 hours down the interstate and pull into a campground right off the roadway. I'm sure my temps are still pretty high then, just like pulling off the interstate to refuel.
For the record, we have two small kids, so we don't pull into campgrounds any later than 8pm anyways. I'm not that jerk cranking a loud diesel at 11pm, waking up the entire campground!!!