westernrvparkowner wrote:
You have it in writing that the NPS knows one of their employees illegally took wood into a campground, for that campground to sell? Since the campground is making all this money off wood sales, and you know for a fact that your neighbor the NPS employee willfully violates the law, since he personally took wood into a national park when it was prohibited, don't you think that your neighbor is also getting a huge kickback from those wood sales. I smell a scandal of national significance. You do know that a whistleblower can collect up to 10% of recovered monies in these types of cases. You should turn your neighbor in to the local authorities, the IRS, the FBI and maybe the NSA. You have more than enough evidence with your letters from the NPS and the like for a slam dunk case. You could parlay your reward either into a cabinet level position as "decider of fair firewood prices" or use the money to buy a private Island, just like us firewood tycoons.
^^ Sounds like you don't have a source that sells wood by the truckload and are bitter about it? Buy it by the truckload for $100, sell it to 50 campers for $5 each = $150 PROFIT per truckload. No conspiracy needed ;)
I agree some (most?) unscrupulous CG operators (including SPs, etc) are OVERCHARGING for firewood. THAT single factor is what sabotages any firewood control efforts.
I would rather buy firewood at a CG than haul it, but like most people I don't like to be ripped off.
It isn't a matter of not caring, being cheap, or anything of the like. Unfortunately, some people direct their anger at the intelligent campers who are crying foul, rather than at those who are GOUGING campers out of greed.
The greedy are those who deserve your ire. Those who exploit any tragedy for excessive profits deserve our contempt.
Stop the gougers and you'd be surprised how quickly the complaints go away ;)