45Ricochet wrote:
190-200 is about normal. I just put a ew Tstat in this year. Sounds like yours stuck open.
What did the trans shop do? Anything to do with the cooler?
Little bit longer answer...Shop that I really like couldn't get me in, so went to local Mom and Pop shop. I usually adjust my own trans bands but short on time (to get going south) and also wanted to put in new solenoid and pressure switch. Getting those parts would of taken another hour in half. Also I ordered deep dish trans pan last month and thought I would have to rewire trans temp gauge. So I let local Mom and Pop shop do it. When I called to see if job was done they said they were having problems and new parts might defective as "O/D OFF" light keeps coming on when they start vehicle. Told them don't worry about it, that's what supposed to happen with exhaust brake installed.
Drove around before coming home, all gears worked. EXCEPT wasn't happy with kick down from 4 to 3...when slowing down (from above freeway speed) then speed up trans wouldn't kick down to lower gear if going above 35. And trans now shifts a little bit different.
With new parts it shifts little smother, but the kick down from 4 to 3 concerned me, so that was reason it got check out at place with more experience with these. They did nothing with cooler that I know of.
Can't be to careful with those mighty(I think) 47RE.
I noticed temp gauge way off coming back home from trans shop.
I've never had trans temp over 210. At getting to 210 was on Lewiston hill (over your way), when they were doing construction last summer and temps right around 100 at mid day.
Will install new t-stat tomorrow. Still not happy paying $82.00 for new one. But it was Cummins NW and in stock.