Apr 22, 2019Explorer
1996 Damon Intruder 460 engine Issue Solved!!
Back a few months ago I had started a thread about my Ford 460 Engine would start up and run 2 to 10 minutes and then just die as if the key was shut off. It had turned in to quite a lengthy Thread and so many great folks had posted ideas from their experiences or just their previous knowledge of this type of issues.
Well it went on for a few weeks and pictures were added along with many many suggestions all of which was great help to one who is somewhat challenged on engines.
Lots of questions pertained to how it was acting and was I thinking it was electrical or fuel related. Through the awesome help of this forum I was on my way to finding the problem.
To add a bit more information on the Motor Home it was a 1996 and I determined from posts on my thread that it was not OBDI or OBDII system but in fact was still in the EEC system that makes it a bit more challenging to detect the issue and pin down the problem. But I continued to check out every post that was added to my thread and finally after being advised to purchase an EEC tester and run a test on it did I really start to pin down the issue.
Still with the EEC Tester It was a challenge to figure out the little blinks of the light or catch all the beeps and pauses properly. I tried several times and just didn't get what I felt was a real code.
So I moved on and thought about why don't I take my ipad into the area and tape the lights and the beeping sounds. So I did just that and then I came into the house where it was much warmer and started watching my video. After several attempts it was still not making sense, but I just kept looking and listening and finally realized I could pause the video whenever I wanted to. Bingo I got what now looked like a true reading of the EEC tester.
It was showing me the 211 code. With my new tester I had received a book with the possible codes that I could get and the 211 code was right there. It was: "Profile Ignition Pick-up (PIP) sensor -circuit failure."
Wow this was a bit still over my head but through internet searches I found the answer and after looking at replacing the PIP sensor and pricing it out compared to buying the complete distributor I elected to purchase the new distributor.
Now it had turned bitter cold in north Missouri so I was put on hold for a while before I could get the distributor installed. But finally the weather broke and my mechanic came out and slipped it in for me.
A few minutes later and we hit the ignition and that baby was running and pretty much purring like a lion!!!! That 460 is no kitten!!!!
We have also set the timing with his Timing Light and think we have it really close. We were not totally positive as where the timing should be at for the MH so he timed it to something he had in a book about the 460 engines.
It is now up and running Very well but I do have a question.
What is the proper timing for this 460 engine???
I wanted to post this so it may help someone else in a time of needing help. It was a life saver for me when I needed the help and this forum stepped up and continued to support me in my search to get back on the road!!
Thanks so much to everyone that posted input to my issue. I can never Thank You enough!!
On a final note my first thread in October 2018 had an issue with a couple of posts that became a bit of a shouting and name calling that in turn caused the thread to be closed. Now it may still be on here but it was sad to see this happen as there was a full library of comments on it that could possibly helped others figure out their problems. So with that being said I hope we all realize that name calling on the internet will do absolutely no good to anyone.
Thanks so much for all the earlier input!!
Well it went on for a few weeks and pictures were added along with many many suggestions all of which was great help to one who is somewhat challenged on engines.
Lots of questions pertained to how it was acting and was I thinking it was electrical or fuel related. Through the awesome help of this forum I was on my way to finding the problem.
To add a bit more information on the Motor Home it was a 1996 and I determined from posts on my thread that it was not OBDI or OBDII system but in fact was still in the EEC system that makes it a bit more challenging to detect the issue and pin down the problem. But I continued to check out every post that was added to my thread and finally after being advised to purchase an EEC tester and run a test on it did I really start to pin down the issue.
Still with the EEC Tester It was a challenge to figure out the little blinks of the light or catch all the beeps and pauses properly. I tried several times and just didn't get what I felt was a real code.
So I moved on and thought about why don't I take my ipad into the area and tape the lights and the beeping sounds. So I did just that and then I came into the house where it was much warmer and started watching my video. After several attempts it was still not making sense, but I just kept looking and listening and finally realized I could pause the video whenever I wanted to. Bingo I got what now looked like a true reading of the EEC tester.
It was showing me the 211 code. With my new tester I had received a book with the possible codes that I could get and the 211 code was right there. It was: "Profile Ignition Pick-up (PIP) sensor -circuit failure."
Wow this was a bit still over my head but through internet searches I found the answer and after looking at replacing the PIP sensor and pricing it out compared to buying the complete distributor I elected to purchase the new distributor.
Now it had turned bitter cold in north Missouri so I was put on hold for a while before I could get the distributor installed. But finally the weather broke and my mechanic came out and slipped it in for me.
A few minutes later and we hit the ignition and that baby was running and pretty much purring like a lion!!!! That 460 is no kitten!!!!
We have also set the timing with his Timing Light and think we have it really close. We were not totally positive as where the timing should be at for the MH so he timed it to something he had in a book about the 460 engines.
It is now up and running Very well but I do have a question.
What is the proper timing for this 460 engine???
I wanted to post this so it may help someone else in a time of needing help. It was a life saver for me when I needed the help and this forum stepped up and continued to support me in my search to get back on the road!!
Thanks so much to everyone that posted input to my issue. I can never Thank You enough!!
On a final note my first thread in October 2018 had an issue with a couple of posts that became a bit of a shouting and name calling that in turn caused the thread to be closed. Now it may still be on here but it was sad to see this happen as there was a full library of comments on it that could possibly helped others figure out their problems. So with that being said I hope we all realize that name calling on the internet will do absolutely no good to anyone.
Thanks so much for all the earlier input!!