enblethen wrote:
Many of the items are pretty simple to repair.
I do not understand why the shop would not want to work on the brakes. Nothing in your list would be a n issue. It would be very expensive.
I would suggest replacing the front coil springs with the ones from Henderson Line up in Grants Pass, OR. They do away with troublesome front air bags.
Harmonic balancer is fairly easy. You can borrow tool from O'Reilly auto parts to remove it.
I do not know why South Colby is located.
Yes - a rig that old is only worth saving if you can do the work yourself. With that list, you'll exceed the value of the motorhome instantly by paying someone to do it.
Harmonic balancer will theoretically come off with a puller. I tried on my "new" engine because I wanted to replace the front seal while the engine was out. I couldn't get it off so I left it alone.
I second the coils. No need to mess with air bags - I plan to do that in the Spring. Henderson wants you to weigh it, preferably all 4 corners. Makes sense but kind of a pain.
Brakes are easy. Belts are easy. I'd hate to see a motorhome become a permanently-parked apartment!
EDIT: Air injection tubes: people just plug them off. If you don't have emissions inspection you can eliminate the air pump and the tubes.