Forum Discussion

gsf35099's avatar
Mar 22, 2015

Power Gear Leveling Communication issue

I've been searching & reading all I can find & looking for some advice.

My touch pad (obsolete #500629) is flashing & manual says its a communication issue. Either bad connection or failed component(s). Troubleshooting guide says start with harness connections to make sure all good & if still problem start with replacing harness, then touch pad, then control panel.

Everything was working fine although I was having to unplug my touch pad because the jacks down light would keep flashing & alarm when driving. Think my fluid level sensor went out a while back because the fluid has been fine (checked with all jacks up).

I've always made sure the power was off before unplugging or plugging the touch pad back in, but before this last trip the communication issue popped up.

I have checked all the harness & really have a hard time thinking that is the cause since it was working great, I raised the jacks, went & got propane & when I got home, killed power, plugged touch pad in & problem started. At least the jacks where up so it didn't ruin our trip to Bike Week!! :-)

I'm having one heck of a time finding a touch pad with my # & there is a replacement new one of 140-1226 but I can't determine if the harness (existing) will just plugg in. I think the plug on the new touch pad is a different connector.

Apologies for the lengthy message, but looking for folks that have upgraded & can give me some advice.

  • Thank you for adding the message that told us how it turned out. That helps everyone for the future....
  • Figured I would provide an update and solution to my problem.

    It turned out to be the control box mounted upside down in the center of the coach in the storage bay. The Power Gear tech that I was emailing with was awesome and after some feedback I gave him on DC volt levels I was reading from the control box to touch panel, he told me to start with the control box first as they very seldom see the touch pads actually go bad even though the troubleshooting guide says (harness, then touch pad, then control box) in that order.

    Little searching on eBay ("new" control box shipped to house $136) and a run to Fry's electronics for molex connector (4 of them for $3.50)only needed 1, leveling system all back up and running.
  • Received email back this morning from PG Technician and said based on my voltage readings (although not a clear determination of bad control board) with the continued communication errors I'm having to replace the control board first as they seldom see the Touch pad actually fail.
    Glad I send them a message. New control box ordered and hopefully will be here next Monday. Hoping this will resolve the problem.
  • Okay, did a little more checking with my DVM and coach running. My control box is providing +12v dc on pins 1-3 when the service manual says pins 1 & 2 should measure 5-7v dc. I sent a message to PG to see if they can validate the control box is bad (may have blown the touch pad as well)before I order any parts. Hopefully they will say its okay to have 12v dc on those, but I'm thinking their response is going to say control box is putting out to much dc on pins 1 & 2.

    Got to love fixing stuff on these things.. :)
  • Well shoot. Just checked all my harnessing & still having error that PG TIP sheet says is communication error - bad connection or bad components. Guess I'm starting with a new touch pad as it says.
  • UsualSuspect wrote:
    I had the same issue, same pad. Locate the circuit board that the jacks and sensors plugs into, mine was mounted upside down. Over time the connectors had vibrated loose. I just unplugged, and plug them back in one at a time and it took care of the problem. I am thinking about using wire ties if it does it again.

    Thanks, I got under there and found my controller bolts holding it in place loose and wiggled the plugs, but didn't unplug them & put back. I'll give that a try before I buy a new touch pad. I think I will also ohm the harness to make sure between the touch pad & control panel.
  • I had the same issue, same pad. Locate the circuit board that the jacks and sensors plugs into, mine was mounted upside down. Over time the connectors had vibrated loose. I just unplugged, and plug them back in one at a time and it took care of the problem. I am thinking about using wire ties if it does it again.
  • prstlk wrote:
    I would call power gear Monday. They don't sell direct but they have a list of dealers on their website
    at least I think they could point you in the right direction
    there are also rv salvage yards on the net you could contact.
    Good luck

    Thanks, prstlk. I sent an email to PG as they have been pretty good in past communicating that way. I'm also going to ohm out my harness between touch pad & control panel just to be sure. Really do appreciate the feedback. Have a good one.
  • I would call power gear Monday. They don't sell direct but they have a list of dealers on their website
    at least I think they could point you in the right direction
    there are also rv salvage yards on the net you could contact.
    Good luck