Forum Discussion

sullivanclan's avatar
Apr 04, 2021

Winnebago Sunstar 27N Question

We are considering a 2016 Winnebago 27N. Couple quick questions:

How does the shorter class A do in flat towing a jeep?

This unit doesn't have the dual windshield fans, is that a big lost, do people use those much?

This smaller class A only has one AC, is that enough in most situations other than the Summer in Arizona?

Crazy question, anyone remove their mirrors on a Winnebago when they park it? We have a tight side yard and may need to do that if possible.

Thanks for any suggestions....
  • Purchased our 27' Itasca Sunstar Class A 8.1 new in 2008

    One AC has severed us well never ran across a need for more AC more heat maybe
    We are out west and high in elevation not in the humid south or Arizona heat

    I remove the mirrors every October when the Rig goes into a heated barn (with 10ft doors mirrors attached the rig is 10.6) for the winter, reinstall in April. The mirrors were factory installed with simple wood screws, they were not designed to be removed and installed but a few times.

    My solution threaded inserts and proper stainless machine screws / bolts - this has worked great for 12 to 15 years now.

    Yes you can easily tow a Jeep - I tow a 2003 Rubicon up/down the Rockies most every summer.
  • Appreciate the feedback from everyone. Especially reference the one AC and the ability to remove the mirrors for storage. We currently have a class C with one AC and out West here and it is ok due to the dry temperatures, shade and change in elevations. But not so sure as we begin to travel East and to the South.
  • I had a 2013 Winnebago Vista 27N. I flat towed a 2013 Honda CR-V, weight about 3,900 pounds. I couldn’t tell the difference in power or gas mileage when towing. The 27N is a little hotrod; great going over the mountains.

    I had it seven years and made many summer trips in the west. The one ac was adequate if you wanted it cooler not cold. Had to stay on top of the temperature, that is had to turn on the ac before the inside got really warm. It kept the temperature about 15 degrees cooler than outside.

    The windshield fans are helpers for defrosting the windshield. If you are in an area where the windshield fogs up they are very useful.

    I had my right side mirror removed by a semi in a rest area. If you don’t rip the mounting bolts out of the side, they would be easy to remove and reattach. Four bolts hold the housing and the electric connection is a plug in.
  • We have the fans and use them some, AC we have two and add one more. One will never work for you unless you love the heat.
  • As far as the dash fans, I have them and have never used them. I hear they are more for fogging when driving in colder weather.
    As far as the AC. I have 2 in my 37ft 3 slide class A and they are just enough. I had one in my 32ft Single super slide TT and it was barely enough to keep it cool!
    If it's a 13.5kBTU AC I would say if they could swap it out with a 15k BTU unit you should be good to go.
    Towing....the MH will weigh far less than mine and it has the same motor so flat towing a Jeep you will in a better position perf wise than me.
  • You'll have to do the math to determine if you have the capacity to tow the Jeep. As far as AC, you will need more than 1. One of our first MH's was a short Class A. One AC would not keep up even in the northeast during the summer - especially while traveling. Was miserable at points.
  • I used to have a 2017 Thor ACE 29.5 which is a little bit longer than the one you are asking about.

    I towed on a dolly a KIA with no problem, even in colorado.

    Never had windshield fans so can not answer that question. Do not have so never missed.

    The ac to me was a big mistake. My 29' only had one and it was very hard to keep it cool. We had to have fans running to help with the process. This was just in normal midwest temperatures. I can not believe the 2 foot difference in length would make that much cooling difference.

    You may want to go to the winnebago forums and see what is said there about the unit.

    I would say a big no to the mirrors

    Good luck safe travels