Forum Discussion

portscanner's avatar
Dec 14, 2014

Gas oven goes out while in use

(Pls note this is the oven, not the cooktop/stove)

This has happened to me twice In the past week and it makes me concerned.

Propane tanks are full. Light the pilot. Crank up the temp to 450. Burner lights off. Check it 10 minutes later by feeling outside of oven. Hot!

15-20 minutes later, go to get food. Not fully cooked. Burner and pilot out. No gas smell. Relight and finish cooking.

No failures on the cooktop or fridge (fridge is on propane 8-10 hours a day)

First time the happened, outside temps were in the mid 30's. Second time, outside temps were in the 60's. When failures occured fridge was on 110V and cooktop and water heater were not in use.

Added note: temperature control on oven has always been poor. I have learned to adjust cooking time a bit and always set the oven temp to 450.

Oven is 10 years old (came with TC when I bought it used.) Can I expect this problem to get worse?