Mr. Camper wrote:
Please don't take this wrong because it is really not my intent. My wife watches Westminster every year and I don't get that either. What does the dog get out of those shows and the agility contests? It seems like learning a few simple commands and words is important but then let a dog be a dog. I've never intentionally owned a full breed dog. Every dog I've ever had was a rescue, including a (according to the vet) purebred Border Collie. It seems that it's more for the owners than the dog. Please, serious answers only since I really don't get this. Thanks
I show dogs also, 40 years and counting. And the dogs love it. They get to be with their owners far more than the average house dog traveling full time together and usually getting far more exercise than the couch potato home pet. :W
I reserve my right to want to own a purebred dog. I don't tell people they must own a purebred dog and I do NOT want to be told I must buy a rescue period.
And trust me. If the dog does NOT like showing you CAN NOT make them do it.
Each and everyone of us have had the PERFECT dog pass thru our lives and if the dog doesn't like it, again you can't make him do it. And a dog that hates it will never win either so it's pointless to try and force a dog do it.
It is beyond obvious to watch a dog show and know that they are fully enjoying what they are doing.
It's a sport for both dog and owner.
I see absolutely no sense in hitting and following around a little white ball all day....soooo, to each his own as to what sport they choose to participate in!! :W:C