Forum Discussion

rvgrammady's avatar
Sep 02, 2013

Rocky Point end of January 2014

I am thinkin of going to Rocky Point in Jan '14 from Quartzsite, Yuma.

I have a tow car and have heard pro's and cons of bringing it with me. If not where would I leave it for a week or so? how would I get
around if I stay at the Reef.. is that the best place I am 63 single female. If I have no car can I get into town.. how?
Do you think I would be safe.. I'm going to try and get some LOW's or
SKIPS in Q to go.. Last year a bunch bout 20 went and i didn't.. kicking myself now.. they had a blast.

Also thinking of going from Yuma.. to Gila Bend, Why and Ajo, take a couple days siteseeing then cross at Lukesville.. is that a good plan?