Forum Discussion

Cikan_Vuz's avatar
Jan 31, 2015

1997 Fleetwood Bounder (ford) not starting

The RV will not start. I have had the battery charger on it, it says teh main battery if fully charged but when I try, there is noting, just some lights on the dash and one click of the key. I put the charger on one of the aux batteries and put it to jump start and still nothing. I am perplexed, I need to start and move the darn thing
  • If the chassis battery goes into the battery control center, try cycling the battery disconnect switch.
    The rig is suppose to be able to run with the battery disconnect in the off postion. Double check for another cable off chassis battery.
  • well the battery cables go into the battery control box... and I cant find any other wires to trace (I did find two large red wire going off and up and under the vehicle, ground muddy, not crawling under a car that is not mine in the mud LOL I am a 55 yr old disable female... as my excuse ;) ). I tried the neutral thing too and still nothing. The battery light and the check engine light are the only things that light up (besides Odometer)on the dash. I put the charger to the 100a jump start and still nothing.

    Main battery at 12.9v, charger says fully charged. but have the charger on one of the other batteries again and will just try charging both those batteries and see if anything happens after they are both charged and let you know. in the meantime, I will see if I can find a repair manual for it online somewhere to see what is what...

    Knowing my luck, it needs a repairman to come fix it and this one is not mine; I was letting a lady store it here and she was supposed to come get it today (but I have not heard from her in over a month).

    Time will tell but I am wondering if in 3 months, I will be starting the paperwork for a lien sale....

    (and, it has not started for over a month, I just joined today looking for some guidance as my fulltime RV is a vintage VW bus. Now THAT I know how to fix....)
  • Ciken,

    You joined today.
    It won't start today.
    How long have you had it?
    It is old enough to vote and drinking some states.
    Do the lights go out when you try to crank?
    - It is probably a bad connection somewhere.
    The lights that are on stay good?
    - Try the bit at the start contactor (solenoid) listed above.
    could the the neutral safety switch.
    That is about what wwe can do from here.

  • Locate the starter relay. It is normally located on the fire wall under the hood. Follow chassis battery cable to it.
    Try jumping the two large posts. The starter should engage.
    You could have a problem with a neutral safety switch. By jumping the large posts, you will be by passing the safety switch.
    Try also moving the gear shift lever. Try starting in neutral, and then wiggle the gear shift.