Forum Discussion

IrnBear's avatar
Mar 12, 2015

1999 E-450 Super Duty Trailer Brake Controller

Hello All
Thank you in advance for any help with this.

I am a new owner of a New to Me 1999 30ft Coachman Leprechaun
It is on a 1999 Ford E-Super Duty Chassis

I have checked all fuse spots and anything pertaining to a trailer has a fuse.
The rear has a 7pin plug

Under the dash is (i hope) a plug to connect my brake controller too. Like I have in my Ford Expedition.
Only problem, there are two separate plugs, One Grey (like in my Expedition), one Brown.
The brake controller Ford Harness fits either one…

Does anyone out there know which plug is for the brake controller?

Thank you again,

  • This is the fuse panel under the hood

    This is the fuse panel under the dash

    Brown Plug

    Grey Plug

    Thank you for the replies..
    I have checked the book to the fuse panel and all trailer slots have fuses.
    I'll test the plugs and see what happens when I activate different things.
    Maybe if I press on the brake, one of the posts in one of the plugs will have power to it.

    Both plugs are at the foot wall left of the steering wheel. The brown is more near the brake and the grey is more near the dash.

    Thank you again,

  • IrnBear wrote:

    Only problem, there are two separate plugs, One Grey (like in my Expedition), one Brown.
    The brake controller Ford Harness fits either one…

    The one you want is nearly behind the brake pedal (brown?). The near the steering column is for "modified vehicle power" and also there are some pass-through circuit to under the hood.
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Last Ford I worked on, the Controller Circuit was ALWAYS HOT and the way I ran the wiring, I blew the underhood fuse. Do you have a diagram of your Fuse Box(es)? You could probe the two connectors with an "ice pick" test light (other end of tester has a wire you connect to ground). Then eliminate a connection by seeing which works with the fuse IN and not when it's OUT.
    For some reason, I keep thinking you need the GRAY connector, but I don't blame you for checking.
    In addition to the Flasher suggestion, I'd add: Replace Braking Fuse(s) with Breaker(s).
  • There are two places where you will find fuses, one is under the dash left corner and the other one is in the engine compartment also on the left side, on the cover of both there should be a list of what fuse goes to what and the relays on the one in the engine compartment.

    The fuse box in the cabin also has the turn signal relay, I suggest that you replace it with a heavy duty electronic one, the cheap ones supplied are not strong enough to power all the lamps of the combined turn signals.

  • Before testing the circuits, you may have to install the fuse for the brake controller supply line. There could be a dummy fuse in that slot.

    Similarly for the 12V charge line, if the RV manufacturer did not run that line out to the 7-pin socket. Wiring is sometimes incomplete to that socket as use of some pins are slightly different when towing a vehicle vs towing a trailer.
  • If you can see the color of the wires at the plugs, you are looking for these colors.


    Green is right brake/turn signal
    yellow is left brake/turn signal
    Brown are the running lights
    Red is positive +12 Vdc
    white is ground or negative -12 Vdc
    Blue is where the signal from the brake controller is transmitted from the controller to the trailer

    Look for those colors, if you have a tester, turn the flashers on and check the plugs, if I an not wrong there should be a trailer brake controller somewhere on the dash board, unless it has the built in controller.
