Forum Discussion

AikenRacer's avatar
Jul 02, 2018

2011 Damon Daybreak TV issue

Our friend just bought a 2011 Damon Daybreak. Trying to help them learn the features but we can't seem to locate the switch for the power supply to the antenna. I have looked in all the front compartments and don't see anything. Any suggestions??
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    As Jim said sometimes you have a BOMB. I believe the daybreak is a "Sister" to my Intruder and thus .. Well I have a BOMB (matrix switch) the power switch is labeled it's the button on the left.
    Full description
    This is a row of buttons divided into groups
    Power.. Then MAIN TV, VCR (or DVR) TV 2 TV 3 AUX
    You mau not have all those sections

    In each section (Save the VR) you have buttons for

    Page 2
    Now I was in a THOR class C which had the new "JACK" "antenna' (I do nothave a high opinion of this device). THe "Sure lock" Signal indicator (likewise on my opinion) runs off a wall wart that was in a side cabinetjust forward of the entry door.

    By pure chance I spotted the Antenna Switch Tell-tale hiding behind the wall wart.
  • AikenRacer wrote:
    Our friend just bought a 2011 Damon Daybreak. Trying to help them learn the features but we can't seem to locate the switch for the power supply to the antenna. I have looked in all the front compartments and don't see anything. Any suggestions??

    Often those switch plates are dark brown with a tiny Pushbutton switch. It's there somewhere, hiding. But almost always in a cabinet associated with TV or entertainment. And usually in an overhead cabinet. Usually on the cabinets back wall, and sometimes low down on that wall so another piece of gear in front of it will block it from view.


    They sometimes install a B.O.M.B. (Box of Many Buttons) that has the antenna power supply built into it. But it'll be labeled on that box as 'Antenna Power' or 'Ant Pwr' or something similar.