Forum Discussion

dshinnick's avatar
Jun 04, 2013

Engine overheating

Hey all-

We have a 2005 Holiday Rambler with a Cummins ISC 330. On our way to Flagstaff AZ, at 7,000 feet, we began to experience some overheating. The water temp gauge spent quite awhile in the red zone. We unhooked our tow vehicle, which didn't seem to help a lot. When we were level or downhill the temp dropped, as would be expected, but on any climb at all, it headed back up into the red.

It was probably in the mid-80's outside, not terribly warm, and the road was what I'd call a moderate incline, certainly not excessively steep.

The coolant level seems normal, as well as the oil level. I had the coolant SCA level checked within the last 6 months and I was told that it was fine.

Interestingly, the OIL temperature seemed normal; the oil temp gauge stayed down where it normally is. It would seem if the engine is running hot then the oil temp would be up too, but it didn't seem to be.

Anyway, I'm planning on taking it in to a Cummins shop on Friday, but I thought I'd run it by the forum to see if y'all had similar experiences, or any thoughts.

