Forum Discussion

calvin5445's avatar
Feb 16, 2015

Newmar Essex

I have an older Monaco and have been looking to move to a newer coach.
I have been looking at Alpine, Prevost(series60) Monaco Dynasty. I find the Nemar Essex to be a great buy. Can I get some inforamtion from the forum on this coach, years to stay away from etc.
Calvin 89 Monaco Crown Royal
  • I bought a 2006 Essex with 18,000 miles on it in 2009 for a song. I'd like to upgrade but I just can't take a hit for a new one. Good used one's are getting hard to find. Only bad thing with an Essex older than a 2011 is the E-Plex computer. It's obsolete but Newmar still carries spares. Only thing is an E-Plex tank monitor went from being $97 in 2010 to $1200 now. 2007 on up have the comfort drive and single windshield. I paid $209 for mine back in '09 and can probably still get 80% of that now if I sold it. I'm looking at a new 2014 for $500 even, but in 2015 they went to a K3 chassis and ISX 600HP.
  • Its not a Prevost but a great coach, probably one of the best, built with typical Motor Home construction techniques. Prevost conversion will cost another $300k-$500k. Essex are built on Sartan chassis most run 500hp motors with 4000 series Allison and Independent Front Suspension. They are well laid out for comfort and maintenance.
  • and yahoo groups have Newmar forums to answer some of your questions.
  • From top to bottom, the current Newmar lineup is King Aire, Essex, London Aire, Mountain Aire followed by Dutch Star and Ventana. I can't speak to previous years, however.

    Were you looking for Newmar's top of the line model or was there a reason you wanted to know about the Essex?
  • They are Newmar's finest. I envy their owners. It will hard to tell an Essex from America's best coach.