Forum Discussion

FIRE_UP's avatar
Jan 08, 2014

Orange flame on main burner on stove, hmmmm?

Ladies and gents,
We have an '04 Itasca Horizon 36GD with the C-7 330 CAT and, it has a 3-burner stove top. There's two smaller ones in the rear and, a larger one in the front, center. The rear two seem to burn with about 99% blue flames. The front, larger center one, burns with about 65-70% blue and the rest is orange. We don't see any "black" soot on any of the pans and, it lights and burns, with all the adjustment that the other two do. That is, it lights on high, and when the knob is turned to medium and low, the flame follows suit.

It's always been my understanding that, the flame on butane stoves should, I say "SHOULD", be completely blue. I'm not a pro at this stuff and, I've not tried to adjust anything, yet. I know there's a measurement of something like 1/2" water column or something like that when checking pressure in those lines but, I certainly don't have any instruments to measure things like that.

So, is this about normal or, should I dive into this burner and get it looked at by a pro? Thanks

P.S. I took some pictures but, the camera, in either a flash mode or, non-flash mode, does not really represent the true color of what the human eye is seeing in the flame tips. I'll post them if someone is really interested.