trop-a-cal wrote:
Are both interconnected? If so are they both on same channel? Are you going to in port on Sat then out port on DVR to TV in port?
Sorry I haven't made myself very clear.
I have had this set up for quite some time. A little confused by
'interconnected' and 'same channel'.
I have changed nothing. I connect the satellite to the port on the outside of the camper. Inside the camper the coax is connected to the port on the wall and then to the in port on the DVR, and the out port is connected to the TV. Somewhere between the outside and the DVR, there is an issue.
Bad coax would make sense. However, I tried changing so satellite was hooked up to what is normally the 'cable' port and had the same results of no satellite found. That cable coax was replaced last year. Yes, I changed the coax connections within the camper as well.
I just wondered if there was some possiblity other than bad coax - not looking forward to going through that hassle again.
Thanks for the replies!