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two_travelers's avatar
Apr 20, 2017

30A male & female replacement plugs

When I plug the power cord into the generator outlet in or Winnebago Vista the wire is bent at a severe right angle, because the box is mounted to low. I thought of making a short cable up with male/female plugs that go in straight rather than at a right angle like most do. Can't seem to find them, all are right angles. Any suggestions on where I can find these? Came up empty on the internet. Any other solutions other than another cord?
  • 1995brave wrote:
    You did not state if you rig is 30 or 50 amp, but check out Lowes or Home Depot they should have a straight plug that will fit.

    Title of the thread:30A male & female replacement plugs
  • You did not state if you rig is 30 or 50 amp, but check out Lowes or Home Depot they should have a straight plug that will fit.
  • assuming you mean
    there is an outlet in the cord storage where you plug in the shore cord ?

    aka manual fool proof transfer switch

    move the box to the bottom of the compartment
    open box remove outlet, splice in NEW female outlet attached to a piece of cord
    aka buy adapter with 30 amp female RV outlet, cut off other end, keep 30 amp female with cord, splice corded female into wiring of the box, it only (3) color coded wires, whit blk, grn
  • You would also need adapter to plug into shore power pedestal using a NEMA 30TT receptacle.
  • If the receptacle is in a standard 4 inch square box you could remove power to the coach, loosen off the mounting screws on the box and rotate 90 degrees so the plug is pointing in a different direction.
    I don't have this setup so I am only guessing.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    You might modify the area around the outlet.
    alternative get a pair of adapters, 30-50 and 50-30.. Some of those have FLAT wires (3 wires side by side) and don't much mind a sharp bend. The other one (the one with the 50 amp plug) will likely have round wire.

    But a mod of the area around the outlet sounds best to me.

    Let me GOOGLE. (Well Yahoo Search) I only found Right Angle plugs but some have shoreter bodies and may fit better.... And as I said, you can go with a flat cable,,, YOu coudl even use a 30-50 (30 amp male) and sli e the 50 off and att a TT-30 Outlet to it. That too would work.
  • The NEMA 30TT only comes in 90 degree orientation.
    You could get a short female cable and replace the receptacle with it.
    30 amp female 18 inch
    Could replace the long cord with similar short male cord.
    30 amp male 18 inch
    You would then use a 30 amp extension cord to power rig from pedestal. Available at most Walmart.