Forum Discussion

Rex_Haul's avatar
Feb 07, 2014

DP - Apply Throttle for Cold Weather Start? (That Depends)

My owner's manual oddly doesn't cover Cold Weather Starting (20ºF or -7ºC or colder) but I found a general Caterpillar Winter Operation Guide that called for 1/3 throttle till start. Then a couple of minutes of low idle followed by 10-20 min of 900 RPM.

It's been several minutes since I wrote that first paragraph. In between, I called Caterpillar directly and got my answer. The answer depends on the model and year.

I've decided to share what I have learned because info is scare online and some of the YouTube videos I saw were just plain wrong, if not downright harmful. Get the facts for your motor from the manufacturer...

But in my case, a 2005 Cat C7 requires NO throttle and it's air intake pre-heater will come on for several seconds and I am to wait till it's light goes out - THEN crank the engine. The light may come back on while I am cranking. The light may come on or flash even after the motor has started if it's cold enough.

I'm told that it will take 10 seconds of cranking, at those temps, after a month sitting, just to get the fuel pressure up and so forth, before the engine will think about taking off on it's own. Could take 30 seconds before it takes off.

HOWEVER, if it's not running after 30 seconds, stop cranking and wait two minutes for the starter to cool before trying again.

Run the block heater for at least two hours prior, longer if colder than what I listed above.

Make sure your fuel is fresh, winter fuel, (min. 45 cetane) that you are using anti-gel, anti-moisture solution and your batteries are topped.

Ether can only be used on certain engines, specifically NOT on engines with air pre-heaters (Boom!)

There you have a timely summary of what to and not to do. Anyone care to expand?