Mark_Naturist_Camper wrote:
I am installing a brake controller on my trailer. Among other things this thing allows me to connect my camper with trailer brakes to a Flat-4 Hookup. The link is below. My question is the way the thing gets power with the flat-4 is the running lights power. If I simply Jumper the 12VDC line from the Running lights line in my 7-way (Camper) to 4-flat adapter (Car) adapter will it work Okay and also charge the coach batteries. Or will it blow up? (Melt wires/blow fuses)
I'm looking for anyone that has tried to charge coach batteries, or simply powered a refrigerator, from a flat-4 running lights lead, (running lights must be turned on).
Thank you for any help.
I went to the Autowbrake website and watched the two videos and personally I would never run an autowbrake for a few reasons. But first to answer your question above.
No you should not connect the trailers 12v power to the 4 way flat. The stock 4 way wiring is not a large enough to power your trailer. The first time the battery charger comes on and tries to pull 20-40 amps through a 16 gauge wire it will blow the fuse and there goes your brakes. In fact the Autowbrake video already recommends running a separate power wire to power that unit and not rely on the vehicle running lights. Just run a fused 8 gauge wire from your tow vehicle battery to your Autowbrake using a 7 way or one of the connectors linked above and then you can also power the trailer.
As for my objections to the Autowbrake.
Their own video recommends running a separate power wire from the tow vehicle to power the unit. Now you're up to 5 wires so you might as well just put a 7 wire connector on the tow vehicle rather than run a separate plug and adapter.
If you power the unit from jumpering the 4 wire connector you have just added one more potential failure point to having trailer brakes. First failure point is possibly neglecting to plug in the trailer umbilical. Any of us who tows is at risk of this failure point. The second failure point is forgetting to turn on the tow vehicle lights. So by wiring through the 4 way you have just doubled your chances of a brake system failure.
The emergency brake application for trailer sway is on a key fob. Where will that key fob be? It must be somewhere where you can get to it extremely fast if sway occurs. Do you set it on your center console? I set my phone on my center console and it regularly slides around and sometimes falls off if I brake too hard. I definitely wouldn't want to place the fob there. Do I drop the fob into an empty cup holder to be fished out by my fingertips in an emergency? Do I clip the key fob to my regular keys as it's name implies?
Have you ever seen Top Gun, Hunt For Red October, or any other war movie where they have to flip up a red safety lever before they fire a weapon? That is exactly what you have with a key fob mounted on your key ring. The keys around the fob will act as safety lever and prevent you from applying the brakes in an emergency.