OnaQuest wrote:
Johno02 wrote:
I'm glad someone else has seen the corrosion thing. up to a point, everything else seems normal, voltages, meters, lights, just not enough wire available for the starter power.
I agree, the problem can be one of many problems with getting current to the starter, however, the symptom that points to the starter relay is "the single click".
Usually, when the problem is low voltage or weak connection, the starter will chatter or otherwise indicate that it is trying. The most notable symptom would be dimming of lights under excessive current when trying to start if voltage is getting past the relay.
Guessing time is over I think. It's time to check the connections and possibly get busy with a meter.
what confused me is the click comes from the dashboard, driver area, not from the passenger side, where the starter supposedly is. and it actually only clicks when I flip on the battery button, the other thin is not really a click but just the normal noise the key makes in the ignition when you turn the key on, then there is some noise as the dash-lights light up, but that is is.
I recently had issues with my Bus doing this and the click would come from the starter. I replaced the ignition switch and it stopped, for a while, then I replaced the battery cables, and it stopped for a while, then I replaced the starter with a good used starter and it stopped for a while, then I replaced the used starter with a new starter and it stopped for a while. I installed a cheater button and that helped for a while but I ended up replacing all the wiring related to the ignition from the key all the way back to the battery and all in between.
This Fleetwood, I really hope it is just something simple like corrosion as you all suggest; the cables look near new to me but I will look harder at them.
Thank you