Forum Discussion

Maxtorr's avatar
Sep 11, 2013

Brake Issues

I purchased a 2001 Fleetwood Southwind 35R in 2010. I had it inspected by a professional company prior to purchase. I had about 41k on it, now has about 44k. Not driven too often. They did not find any problems of concern and said the brakes were only about .50% worn out, probably normal for that RV.

It is on the Ford frame. It has been a good year ago I started hearing a noise like a loose hub cap can make, could only hear at very low speeds, took the wheel covers off and you could still hear it on the front driver’s side (I think). I had no idea what it was, it has been getting worse (louder)so I lifted the front off the ground and spun the wheel around best I could by hand, could still hear that noise. I can’t remember which but one of them felt as it turned that it might be rubbing something for just a second, then turn freely. My wife suggested I spray the brakes with WD-40, at least I knew better than that.

It sat for about 6 weeks without being driven when I did drive it. Things sounded normal until I had to make a minor hard stop, sounded like something grabbed and then turned loose, sounded like a loud pop, maybe not in that order, felt it in the steering also, kind of sound like I ran over a good size rock or something. I have not actually felt it in the steering since the first time. It seems a little better but still concerns me. My hearing is really bad so I hope I am describing this accurately. It still feels like it is grabbing if you apply the brakes kind of hard on routine stops everything seems normal.

Next problem I noticed today, when stopped at a light I could hear the electric motor for the brakes, I think that is what I'm hearing, take your foot off the brake and it stops. I suspect the Hydraulic brakes are not working, just a guess on my part.

Intend to have the local Ford truck dealer check it out soon.

Would love to hear what you folks think and your opinions. I'm almost 70 and just know the basics about RV brakes.

Thanks in advance

Ron in High Point, NC