Forum Discussion

mmoore43's avatar
Jun 29, 2017

12V battery not charging when attached to shore power

My 2001 30 foot Fleetwood Storm has recently stopped charging the 12V batteries when connected to Shore Power.

The 12v batteries are fine and when I test the power coming out of the power converter I get >10 DC volts output.

I have tested the relay/transfer switch and this is what happens

If connected to Shoreline I get >10 DC Volts at all three connections (the Generator line, Shore line, and Circuit Breaker.

If Generator running and Shore line cord plugged in I get the same at all three connections

If Generator is running but not plugged in I get only >10 DC Volts at the Generator connection not the other two.

Does any of this make sense as to why my 12V batteries are not charging when I am plugged to shore power?

Please help