I have a sensor on my frig system that was tripped by water being in the outside compartment, I have dried everything out and can't get the sensor to reset. I unplugged the sensor and waited a minute or so and 30 seconds after I plug it back in the sensor trips again. I have called three service centers around me and no one wants to give me tech support over the phone they want me making an appointment and their all six weeks out. Any help would be appreciated..
Dry out the rear area of the refer. You may have to take the rear control cover OFF to get the circuit board dry. Also, make sure the 120 receptacle is dry. Doug
Thanks a million!!! Worked right away.. I have it running on LP right now but I am plugged in to shore power but every time I put the mode on electric it kicks my GFI in the bathroom. Miracle number two???
Amateur Radio Operator WW1SS . . . Flex 6500 PGXL and TGXL Steve and Joy 2014 Itasca Suncruiser 38Q . . . 2016 Lincoln MKX The Doodles, Abbie & Abel Baby and Kissie the Chihuahuas and Lucy the Biewere Yorkie