Got back from a trip and noticed two things. 1 - My battery was not charging up during my trip home. 2 - I've got the camper plugged in to my shore station and the converter has been running pretty much continuously. I didn't notice the converter issue for a few days, but now that I'm watching it, it has been running.
While dry camping I recharged by battery with my little Honda 2000. The battery was down to one notch and ran the generator for nearly 2 hours. The batter was charged to full, but shortly thereafter I noticed it was down to 2/3 and it stayed there until the morning we left when I pulled the slides in, etc. when it went down to 1/3. Drove home (about 4 hr drive) and saw the monitor still at 1/3.
Checked the 2 40 amp fuses on the converter and they look good. The circuit panel fuses and breakers were all good too. I'm not much at electronics, but I'm puzzled as to where to look next. Things were working good prior to this situation.
2018 Chevy 2500HD Duramax - 2015 Cedar Creek Silverback 29RE
16K Huskey EZ Roller Hitch - EU2000i Honda Generator