They are not "hard" to put in. Buy the right size.
Ours was held in with plastic rivets. Drill a hole, insert rivet , hit gently with a hammer to drive the center portion in and expand the rivet. Ours also had a strip of double sided tape at the ends of each panel and in the center.
As we have had a recurring problem with our tub , we removed and replaced the surround three times. Other than my wife drilling all the way through the wall to the outside, when drilling a pilot hole, all went well. (I forgive her.)
Hope this helps.
Our Rig:
2005 Dodge 3500 - Dually- Cummins
2006 Outback 27 RSDS
We also have with us two rescue dogs. A Chihuahua mix & a Catahoula mix.
"I did not get to this advanced age because I am stupid."
Full time since June 2006