Aug-30-2014 12:38 PM
Sep-15-2014 09:04 AM
Sep-15-2014 09:00 AM
Bumpyroad wrote:
which of these states that allow double towing do NOT have a restriction on what it is being towed. I.E. at one time I believe MN said it had to be a 5th wheel and boat.
Sep-15-2014 08:34 AM
Sep-15-2014 07:49 AM
ol Bombero-JC wrote:ogfalconsr wrote:
Has anyone, particularly from the great state of Florida, ever inquired and received a clear answer/response from a Florida state official as to why the state does not allow for double towing with privately owned RV's under the 2014 Florida Statute, Title XXIII Motor Vehicles 316.515(3)? Also are there any Florida residents on the forum having knowledge of any movement underway to get the statute changed? :@
*YOU* are clearly the leader to get it done!.:W
Now - get in put up or shut up..:S
But - hurry!
Your grandchildren may die of old age before it's changed..:R
Sep-06-2014 11:48 AM
ogfalconsr wrote:
Has anyone, particularly from the great state of Florida, ever inquired and received a clear answer/response from a Florida state official as to why the state does not allow for double towing with privately owned RV's under the 2014 Florida Statute, Title XXIII Motor Vehicles 316.515(3)? Also are there any Florida residents on the forum having knowledge of any movement underway to get the statute changed? :@
Sep-05-2014 01:13 PM
laknox wrote:ogfalconsr wrote:laknox wrote:Francesca Knowles wrote:ogfalconsr wrote:
have you experienced or seen a highway incident regarding this type of activity?
Not personally, but:KSL News wrote:
KSL News) One man was killed, four others injured in an accident on Interstate 80 near Echo at milepost 170 in Summit County.
The Utah Highway Patrol says the driver, 40-year-old Ty R. Richins, was traveling westbound on I-80 Sunday pulling a camping trailer and Jeep Wrangler behind his 1990 Ford F-350. The trailer and Jeep began to sway back and forth forcing the truck off the road. The truck hit a post and part of an exit sign, overturning the truck, which then rolled.
The truck, trailer and Jeep separated. The trailer and the Jeep overturned and rolled onto the Interstate, blocking the lanes of travel.
Richins, who is from Syracuse, was ejected from the vehicle suffering major trauma to his head and torso. He was found dead under the truck.
Richins was not exceeding the speed limit, but the highway patrol says due to the weight of all three vehicles, speed was a factor in the crash.
Link to full story, pictures
TRAILER, not fifth wheel, is the operative clue. This was an illegal hitch-up from the get-go, at least in AZ.
Not true - double tow is legal in AZ and Utah where the accident happened. That's right only 5th wheel double tow is legal in AZ , but double tow in Utah.
With a leading ball or pintle hitch, it's not. MUST be a leading FW hitch with ball or pintle on the secondary statute. In that accident pic, there was no FW hitch in the truck, so it's got to be a bumper pull. IMO, not a safe way to tow, even if legal.
Sep-05-2014 12:26 PM
ogfalconsr wrote:laknox wrote:Francesca Knowles wrote:ogfalconsr wrote:
have you experienced or seen a highway incident regarding this type of activity?
Not personally, but:KSL News wrote:
KSL News) One man was killed, four others injured in an accident on Interstate 80 near Echo at milepost 170 in Summit County.
The Utah Highway Patrol says the driver, 40-year-old Ty R. Richins, was traveling westbound on I-80 Sunday pulling a camping trailer and Jeep Wrangler behind his 1990 Ford F-350. The trailer and Jeep began to sway back and forth forcing the truck off the road. The truck hit a post and part of an exit sign, overturning the truck, which then rolled.
The truck, trailer and Jeep separated. The trailer and the Jeep overturned and rolled onto the Interstate, blocking the lanes of travel.
Richins, who is from Syracuse, was ejected from the vehicle suffering major trauma to his head and torso. He was found dead under the truck.
Richins was not exceeding the speed limit, but the highway patrol says due to the weight of all three vehicles, speed was a factor in the crash.
Link to full story, pictures
TRAILER, not fifth wheel, is the operative clue. This was an illegal hitch-up from the get-go, at least in AZ.
Not true - double tow is legal in AZ and Utah where the accident happened. That's right only 5th wheel double tow is legal in AZ , but double tow in Utah.
Sep-05-2014 07:00 AM
laknox wrote:Francesca Knowles wrote:ogfalconsr wrote:
have you experienced or seen a highway incident regarding this type of activity?
Not personally, but:KSL News wrote:
KSL News) One man was killed, four others injured in an accident on Interstate 80 near Echo at milepost 170 in Summit County.
The Utah Highway Patrol says the driver, 40-year-old Ty R. Richins, was traveling westbound on I-80 Sunday pulling a camping trailer and Jeep Wrangler behind his 1990 Ford F-350. The trailer and Jeep began to sway back and forth forcing the truck off the road. The truck hit a post and part of an exit sign, overturning the truck, which then rolled.
The truck, trailer and Jeep separated. The trailer and the Jeep overturned and rolled onto the Interstate, blocking the lanes of travel.
Richins, who is from Syracuse, was ejected from the vehicle suffering major trauma to his head and torso. He was found dead under the truck.
Richins was not exceeding the speed limit, but the highway patrol says due to the weight of all three vehicles, speed was a factor in the crash.
Link to full story, pictures
TRAILER, not fifth wheel, is the operative clue. This was an illegal hitch-up from the get-go, at least in AZ.
Sep-04-2014 09:21 PM
Francesca Knowles wrote:ogfalconsr wrote:
have you experienced or seen a highway incident regarding this type of activity?
Not personally, but:KSL News wrote:
KSL News) One man was killed, four others injured in an accident on Interstate 80 near Echo at milepost 170 in Summit County.
The Utah Highway Patrol says the driver, 40-year-old Ty R. Richins, was traveling westbound on I-80 Sunday pulling a camping trailer and Jeep Wrangler behind his 1990 Ford F-350. The trailer and Jeep began to sway back and forth forcing the truck off the road. The truck hit a post and part of an exit sign, overturning the truck, which then rolled.
The truck, trailer and Jeep separated. The trailer and the Jeep overturned and rolled onto the Interstate, blocking the lanes of travel.
Richins, who is from Syracuse, was ejected from the vehicle suffering major trauma to his head and torso. He was found dead under the truck.
Richins was not exceeding the speed limit, but the highway patrol says due to the weight of all three vehicles, speed was a factor in the crash.
Link to full story, pictures
Sep-04-2014 06:37 PM
GrumpyandGrandma wrote:Francesca Knowles wrote:ogfalconsr wrote:
have you experienced or seen a highway incident regarding this type of activity?
Not personally, but:KSL News wrote:
KSL News) One man was killed, four others injured in an accident on Interstate 80 near Echo at milepost 170 in Summit County.
The Utah Highway Patrol says the driver, 40-year-old Ty R. Richins, was traveling westbound on I-80 Sunday pulling a camping trailer and Jeep Wrangler behind his 1990 Ford F-350. The trailer and Jeep began to sway back and forth forcing the truck off the road. The truck hit a post and part of an exit sign, overturning the truck, which then rolled.
The truck, trailer and Jeep separated. The trailer and the Jeep overturned and rolled onto the Interstate, blocking the lanes of travel.
Richins, who is from Syracuse, was ejected from the vehicle suffering major trauma to his head and torso. He was found dead under the truck.
Richins was not exceeding the speed limit, but the highway patrol says due to the weight of all three vehicles, speed was a factor in the crash.
Link to full story, pictures
IIRC the "LEGAL" speed limit in UTAH is 80. Anybody towing at that speed is asking for trouble no matter what it is single or double especially since RV tires are speed rated at 65. They said the speed for the weight, so the fact that he had 2 trailers was not the main cause. Driving like an IDIOTwas.
Sep-04-2014 06:30 PM
Pete_k wrote:GrumpyandGrandma wrote:
This discussion has been going on forever... There are post after post by people who have double towed in the State of FL with no ramifications. What is interesting is FL law has seperate definitions for trailer and fw a trailer cannot exceed 40 ft and a fw cannot have more than 400 sq ft of living space no mention of length.
According to a large trailer dealer in Daytona, double towing with a FW is legal and if you ever travel I-75 you see it all the time. Also it is done by people visiting Walt Disney World pulling golf carts behind their FW and they are FL residents.:?
So the "discussion", "disagreement" or what ever continues.:)
So right back the end of June. I lost count of the Double trailers in Fl we seen.
Sep-04-2014 05:50 PM
GrumpyandGrandma wrote:
This discussion has been going on forever... There are post after post by people who have double towed in the State of FL with no ramifications. What is interesting is FL law has seperate definitions for trailer and fw a trailer cannot exceed 40 ft and a fw cannot have more than 400 sq ft of living space no mention of length.
According to a large trailer dealer in Daytona, double towing with a FW is legal and if you ever travel I-75 you see it all the time. Also it is done by people visiting Walt Disney World pulling golf carts behind their FW and they are FL residents.:?
So the "discussion", "disagreement" or what ever continues.:)
Sep-04-2014 05:16 PM
Francesca Knowles wrote:ogfalconsr wrote:
have you experienced or seen a highway incident regarding this type of activity?
Not personally, but:KSL News wrote:
KSL News) One man was killed, four others injured in an accident on Interstate 80 near Echo at milepost 170 in Summit County.
The Utah Highway Patrol says the driver, 40-year-old Ty R. Richins, was traveling westbound on I-80 Sunday pulling a camping trailer and Jeep Wrangler behind his 1990 Ford F-350. The trailer and Jeep began to sway back and forth forcing the truck off the road. The truck hit a post and part of an exit sign, overturning the truck, which then rolled.
The truck, trailer and Jeep separated. The trailer and the Jeep overturned and rolled onto the Interstate, blocking the lanes of travel.
Richins, who is from Syracuse, was ejected from the vehicle suffering major trauma to his head and torso. He was found dead under the truck.
Richins was not exceeding the speed limit, but the highway patrol says due to the weight of all three vehicles, speed was a factor in the crash.
Link to full story, pictures
Sep-04-2014 05:01 PM
ogfalconsr wrote:
have you experienced or seen a highway incident regarding this type of activity?
KSL News wrote:
KSL News) One man was killed, four others injured in an accident on Interstate 80 near Echo at milepost 170 in Summit County.
The Utah Highway Patrol says the driver, 40-year-old Ty R. Richins, was traveling westbound on I-80 Sunday pulling a camping trailer and Jeep Wrangler behind his 1990 Ford F-350. The trailer and Jeep began to sway back and forth forcing the truck off the road. The truck hit a post and part of an exit sign, overturning the truck, which then rolled.
The truck, trailer and Jeep separated. The trailer and the Jeep overturned and rolled onto the Interstate, blocking the lanes of travel.
Richins, who is from Syracuse, was ejected from the vehicle suffering major trauma to his head and torso. He was found dead under the truck.
Richins was not exceeding the speed limit, but the highway patrol says due to the weight of all three vehicles, speed was a factor in the crash.